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[英]Why won't my method read in every value from a file?

public static int getBoys(ArrayList<String> boysNames, Scanner s) throws IOException {
    // Getting boys file location
    System.out.println("Please enter the file name containing the the boys names.");
    String boyFileLocation = s.nextLine();

    // Opening the file containing the names of boys
    File boyFile = new File(boyFileLocation);
    Scanner BF = new Scanner(boyFile);
    int initialBoyCount = 0;
    int i = 0;

    while (BF.hasNextLine()) {
        if (BF.nextLine().equals(boysNames.get(i))) {

        } else {

    return (initialBoyCount);

I am trying to read in from a file a list of names and add them to an array list. 我正在尝试从文件中读取名称列表,并将其添加到数组列表中。 However there are duplicates of certain names and i am only suppoused to keep the unique ones (If if already exists don't add it again). 但是,某些名称存在重复项,我只是保留唯一的名称(如果已经存在,请勿再次添加)。 However, I figured out that it is only giving me every other name. 但是,我发现它只是给我其他名字。 Starting with 2, and giving me the following errors. 从2开始,并给我以下错误。

Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found
    at java.util.Scanner.nextLine(Scanner.java:1540)
    at namesList.namesList.getBoys(namesList.java:53)
    at namesList.namesList.main(namesList.java:27)

The reason of the exception in this line 该行出现异常的原因

if (BF.nextLine().equals(boysNames.get(i))) 

you read a line and if equation isn't true in else branch you call BF.nextLine() again. 您读了一行,如果在else分支中方程不true ,则再次调用BF.nextLine() So sometimes you read line twice but you call hasNextLine() only once . 因此,有时您读了两次行,但是只调用一次hasNextLine()

Solution: read line only one time before if statement. 解决方案:if语句之前仅读取一行。

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