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[英]Allow returnline in textarea with regular expression

I would like to allow returnlines in a Form textarea . 我想在Form 文本区域中允许使用换行符 I haven't found the way to add this possibility to my regular expression . 我还没有找到将这种可能性添加到正则表达式中的方法 Will the return line be stored in the database? 返回行将存储在数据库中吗?

Here is the HTML form: 这是HTML表单:

<form method="post" action="#">
    <textarea name="description" spellcheck="true" maxlength="500"></textarea> 

And the PHP code with the regular expression to regulate the textarea input ( true = match the regex = store to database): 以及带有正则表达式的PHP代码来调节textarea输入( true =匹配regex =存储到数据库):

if (!preg_match("/^[a-zàâäèéêëîïôœùûüÿç0-9 !?’',.-]+$/i", $POST['description'] )) {
    return false;
    return true;

You could match new lines (and carriage returns) by adding \\n and \\r : 您可以通过添加\\n\\r来匹配新行(和回车符):

/^[a-zàâäèéêëîïôœùûüÿç0-9 \n\r!?’',.-]+$/i

But maybe you want to allow all types of white space (like tabs, non-breaking space, ...). 但是也许您想允许所有类型的空格(例如制表符,不间断空格等)。 Then you can better use \\s : 然后,您可以更好地使用\\s


Listing all allowable letters might be difficult. 列出所有允许的字母可能很困难。 There will always be that one other character... like ò . 总是会有另一个字符……像ò If you are willing to allow anything that could be called a letter in some language or alphabet (even Greek, Cyrillic), then use the \\pL escape in combination with the unicode modifier u at the end. 如果您愿意使用某种可以用某种语言或字母(甚至是希腊语,西里尔字母)组成的字母,则可以使用\\pL转义\\pLunicode修饰符u结合使用。

Note you can also use \\d for matching digits: 请注意,您也可以使用\\d来匹配数字:


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