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[英]ibm-mobilefirst-starter container for Bluemix - adding new http adapter not working

I created ibm-mobilefirst-starter:latest container in bluemix. 我在bluemix中创建了ibm-mobilefirst-starter:latest容器。 And I am able to access the MFS console.I can see MobileFirstStarter run time its working fine. 而且我能够访问MFS控制台。我可以看到MobileFirstStarter运行时可以正常工作。 Now I uploaded new .wlapp and one http .adapter file into MFS console and they are visible in Console. 现在,我将新的.wlapp和一个http .adapter文件上传到MFS控制台,它们在控制台中可见。 When I try to access the Adapter from Common Resources I am getting Error : 当我尝试从通用资源访问适配器时,出现错误:

[] failure. []失败。 state: 404, response: The server was unable to process the request from the application. 状态:404,响应:服务器无法处理来自应用程序的请求。 Please try again later. 请稍后再试。

Client registration failed with error: {"responseHeaders":{"Date":"Tue, 01 Mar 2016 12:35:44 GMT","Connection":"Close","X-Powered-By":"Servlet/3.0","Content-Length":"0","Content-Language":"en-US"},"status":404,"responseText":"","errorCode":"UNEXPECTED_ERROR","errorMsg":"The server was unable to process the request from the application. Please try again later.","invocationContext":null} 客户端注册失败,并显示以下错误:{“ responseHeaders”:{“ Date”:“ Tue,01 Mar 2016 12:35:44 GMT”,“ Connection”:“ Close”,“ X-Powered-By”:“” Servlet / 3.0 “,” Content-Length“:” 0“,” Content-Language“:” en-US“},”状态“:404,” responseText“:”“,” errorCode“:” UNEXPECTED_ERROR“,” errorMsg“: “服务器无法处理来自应用程序的请求。请稍后再试。”,“ invocationContext”:空}


I tried with Android environment and tested in device . 我在Android环境中尝试过, 并在device中进行了测试 Couldn't see any response from adapter. 找不到适配器的任何响应。

Thanks in Advance. 提前致谢。

There is no preview available from the console in non-development environments (ie MobileFirst Studio plug-in for Eclipse). 在非开发环境(即Eclipse的MobileFirst Studio插件)中,控制台没有可用的预览。

It is unclear from your question if only the preview failing or also from a device/emulator. 从您的问题尚不清楚,是仅预览失败还是设备/仿真器失败。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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