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让kibana 4发送警报或在特定条件下采取措施的任何方式

[英]Any way to have kibana 4 send alerts or take action on specific conditions

I know Kibana 4 itself does not have alerting and taking action on specific conditions, but I would really want to use Kibana, but also have a way of taking automatic actions or sending alerts if something is not behaving correctly. 我知道Kibana 4本身并没有在特定条件下发出警报并采取措施,但我真的想使用Kibana,但也可以采取自动措施或在某些情况下发送警报的方式。 Are there any solutions or tools that work well together. 是否有任何可以很好地协同工作的解决方案或工具。 Currently I am using cloudwatch, elastic search services in AWS. 目前,我在AWS中使用cloudwatch,弹性搜索服务。 Would all the alerts and actions have to be setup separately in cloudwatch. 是否必须在cloudwatch中分别设置所有警报和操作。 Maybe I could have kibana generate something on which I could take action, like read from a queue to which kibana sends json alerts or something of that nature? 也许我可以让kibana生成一些我可以采取行动的内容,例如从kibana向其发送json警报的队列中读取内容或类似性质的东西?

ElastAlert looks like an interesting tool. ElastAlert看起来像一个有趣的工具。 You can define conditions and get alerts as emails or to Slack etc. 您可以定义条件并通过电子邮件或Slack等获得警报。

If you have data being written into Elasticsearch in near real time and want to be alerted when that data matches certain patterns, ElastAlert is the tool for you. 如果您有近乎实时的数据写入Elasticsearch,并且想要在数据与特定模式匹配时收到警报,则ElastAlert是为您提供的工具。 If you can see it in Kibana, ElastAlert can alert on it. 如果您可以在Kibana中看到它,则ElastAlert可以对其发出警报。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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