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Ember.js当我们单击link_to时,我们是否首先点击了router.js? 还是加载了相关模板? 我们什么时候不打router.js?

[英]Ember.js When we click a link_to, do we hit the router.js first? Or is the relevant template loaded? When do we not hit the router.js?

My two questions are in bold , but there is fair amount of code that is given for context. 我的两个问题以粗体显示 ,但是有大量针对上下文的代码。 The questions mainly have to do with when the router.js is hit and how ember knows what templates to load. 这些问题主要与何时击中router.js以及ember如何知道要加载的模板有关。

I am making a toy library-finder app. 我正在制作一个玩具图书馆查找器应用程序。 I had some questions about how the router, route handlers, templates, and controllers are connected. 我对路由器,路由处理程序,模板和控制器如何连接有一些疑问。

This is my router: 这是我的路由器:

import Ember from 'ember';
import config from './config/environment';

const Router = Ember.Router.extend({
  location: config.locationType

Router.map(function() {

  this.route('admin', function() {

  this.route('libraries', function() {
    this.route('edit', { path: '/:library_id/edit' });

export default Router;

So when I visit the /libraries... 所以当我访问/ libraries ...

  1. I hit the router.js file FIRST 我打了router.js文件中的第一
  2. the router.js file takes me to the libraries.hbs template first right? router.js文件首先将我带到library.hbs模板吗? This is the template: 这是模板:

     <h1>Libraries</h1> <div class="well"> <ul class="nav nav-pills"> {{#link-to 'libraries.index' tagName="li"}}<a href>List all them</a>{{/link-to}} {{#link-to 'libraries.new' tagName="li"}}<a href>Add new</a>{{/link-to}} </ul> </div> {{outlet}} 

The outlet renders the libraries/index.hbs template then right? 出口呈现了library / index.hbs模板,对吗? This is my libraries/index.hbs: 这是我的libraries / index.hbs:


<div class="row">
  {{#each model as |library|}}
    <div class="col-md-4">
      <div class="panel panel-default library-item">
          <div class="panel-heading">
              <h3 class="panel-title">{{library.name}}</h3>
          <div class="panel-body">
              <p>Address: {{library.address}}</p>
              <p>Phone: {{library.phone}}</p>
          <div class="panel-footer text-right">
              {{#link-to 'libraries.edit' library.id class='btn btn-success btn-xs'}}Edit{{/link-to}}
              <button class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" {{action 'deleteLibrary' library}}>Delete</button>
  1. When this link is clicked: 单击此链接时:

      {{#link-to 'libraries.edit' library.id class='btn btn-success btn-xs'}}Edit{{/link-to}} 

Where do we hit first? 我们先打到哪里? Do we hit the router.js again? 我们再次点击router.js吗? The edit path in the router.js has a path, what does that do? router.js中的编辑路径包含一个路径,该怎么做? How does the URL render? URL如何呈现? Where does the library_id come from? library_id来自哪里?

This is my edit template: 这是我的编辑模板:

<h2>Edit Library</h2>

<div class="form-horizontal">
    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">Name</label>
        <div class="col-sm-10">
          {{input type="text" value=model.name class="form-control" placeholder="The name of the Library"}}
    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">Address</label>
        <div class="col-sm-10">
          {{input type="text" value=model.address class="form-control" placeholder="The address of the Library"}}
    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">Phone</label>
        <div class="col-sm-10">
          {{input type="text" value=model.phone class="form-control" placeholder="The phone number of the Library"}}
    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10">
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" {{action 'saveLibrary' model}}>Save changes</button>

The submit button has an action called 'saveLibrary' which takes an object. 提交按钮有一个名为“ saveLibrary”的动作,该动作带有一个对象。 When I click that submit button, I don't hit the router.js file again right? 当我单击该提交按钮时,我不会再次点击router.js文件,对吗? All that happens is that it looks for an action defined in the current context which is the route handler right? 所发生的一切就是寻找在当前上下文中定义的动作,这是路由处理程序吗?

Here is my routes/libraries/edit.js file: 这是我的routes / libraries / edit.js文件:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model(params) {
    return this.store.findRecord('library', params.library_id);

  actions: {
    saveLibrary(newLibrary) {
      newLibrary.save().then(() => this.transitionTo('libraries'));

    willTransition(transition) {

      let model = this.controller.get('model');

      if (model.get('hasDirtyAttributes')) {
        let confirmation = confirm("Your changes haven't saved yet. Would you like to leave this form?");

        if (confirmation) {
        } else {

And the saveLibrary method has a transition which then hits the router.js file right? 而且saveLibrary方法有一个转换,然后可以转换到router.js文件,对吗? The transitions change the url depending on how they are defined in the router.js file right? 转换会根据router.js文件中的定义方式更改URL,对吗?

When this link is clicked: 单击此链接时:

  {{#link-to 'libraries.edit' library.id class='btn btn-success btn-xs'}}Edit{{/link-to}} 

Where do we hit first? 我们先打到哪里? Do we hit the router.js again? 我们再次点击router.js吗?

Yes, the router is consulted to route you to the route specified in the link-to. 是的,请咨询路由器以将您路由到链接至中指定的路由。 Check out the source of the link-to component . 检查链接组件的来源 You'll see that at a fundamental level it creates a transition to the route you specify, passing along any args. 您会看到,它从根本上创建了到指定路由的过渡,并传递了所有参数。

The edit path in the router.js has a path, what does that do? router.js中的编辑路径包含一个路径,该怎么做?

The path determines what is actually shown in the URL bar. 该路径确定URL栏中实际显示的内容。 In theory we could refer to all routes by their path, but its easier to give them distinct names. 从理论上讲,我们可以通过所有路径来引用所有路径,但是更容易给它们起不同的名称。 So we say that the libraries.edit route will show the path '/:library_id/edit' in the url bar. 因此,我们说“ libraries.edit”路由将在网址栏中显示路径“ /:library_id / edit”。 Since it is a sub path, that will be appended to the parent's path. 由于它是子路径,因此将被添加到父路径。 We want to show the id of the library in the url, so we use the :library_id syntax which is a variable of sorts. 我们想在URL中显示库的ID,因此我们使用:library_id语法,该语法是一种变量。

Where does the library_id come from? library_id来自哪里?

By saying this.route('edit', { path: '/:library_id/edit' }); 通过说this.route('edit', { path: '/:library_id/edit' }); you have declared your intent to put a variable in this path at some point. 您已经声明了在某个时候将变量放入此路径的意图。 You've given it the name library_id and it is the first (and only) variable in that path. 您已给它命名为library_id,它是该路径中的第一个(也是唯一的)变量。

When you say {{#link-to 'libraries.edit' library.id class='btn btn-success btn-xs'}} You've told the router to go to the libraries.edit route, and pass the library.id as the first (and only) argument. 当您说{{#link-to 'libraries.edit' library.id class='btn btn-success btn-xs'}}您已经告诉路由器去了{{#link-to 'libraries.edit' library.id class='btn btn-success btn-xs'}}路由,并传递了库。 id作为第一个(也是唯一一个)参数。

When I click that submit button, I don't hit the router.js file again right? 当我单击该提交按钮时,我不会再次点击router.js文件,对吗?

Correct. 正确。

All that happens is that it looks for an action defined in the current context which is the route handler right? 所发生的一切就是寻找在当前上下文中定义的动作,这是路由处理程序吗?

Also correct. 也正确。

And the saveLibrary method has a transition which then hits the router.js file right? 而且saveLibrary方法有一个转换,然后可以转换到router.js文件,对吗? The transitions change the url depending on how they are defined in the router.js file right? 转换会根据router.js文件中的定义方式更改URL,对吗?

Yes and yes. 是的,是的。

Remember you give routes names (library, library.edit) and then transition to them with link-to or a direct call to transition. 请记住,给路由名称(library,library.edit),然后使用链接到或直接调用过渡来过渡到它们。

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