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[英]Array of react elements not rendering in the render()

I am learning react through creating some sample projects using Meteor. 我正在学习通过使用Meteor创建一些示例项目来做出反应。 I think I am getting a grasp of it but now I am stuck again. 我想我已经掌握了,但是现在我又被卡住了。

I am using a twitter API to fetch the most recent 3 tweets from the BOINGBOING twitter page. 我正在使用Twitter API从BOINGBOING Twitter页面获取最新的3条Tweet。 I can confirm that I have the API working and can console out an array of objects containing created_at , text , & value.entities.media[0].media_url which is basically the image url of a tweet. 我可以确认我可以使用API​​,并且可以安慰出包含created_attextvalue.entities.media[0].media_url的对象数组,该对象基本上是tweet的图像URL。

What I am trying to achieve is to display the three tweets within a div tag containing an img & 2 p tags. 我想要实现的是在包含img &2 p标签的div标签中显示三个tweet。

I am forming the DOM with JSX, pushing the DOM for current tweet into an array and then passing this array to render(). 我正在用JSX形成DOM,将当前推文的DOM推入数组,然后将此数组传递给render()。 I thinking an array of React elements should render right? 我认为一组React元素应该渲染正确吗? So what is my mistake, I am seeing nothing? 那我的错是什么,我什么都没看见?

getTweets: function(){

    Meteor.call('fetchTweets', function(error, result){
        var res = [];

        // cycle through the results and build reat elements
        _.each(result, function(value, key, list){
            var {created_at, text, ...other} = value;

            if (value.entities.media != undefined) {
                // no image
                let node = (

            } else {
                // has image
                let node = (
                        <img src={value.entities.media[0].media_url} alt=""/>

        return res;          


render: function() {

    return (
            <div className="alltweets">{this.getTweets()}</div>

When I console out my react elements, this is what I see. 当我调出我的反应元素时,这就是我所看到的。 在此处输入图片说明

I don't know meteor, but it looks like Meteor.call is asynchronous, so it can't just return res . 我不知道流星,但它看起来像Meteor.call是异步的,因此它不能只返回res You'd probably need to call setState({ someKey: res }) in your asyncCallback , and use that state in your render() call. 您可能需要在setState({ someKey: res })调用setState({ someKey: res }) ,并在render()调用中使用该状态。

I'm not sure you're using react correctly in this situation, here's how I'd do it. 我不确定在这种情况下您使用的反应是否正确,这就是我的处理方法。

const TweetList = React.createClass({

    getInitialState() {
        const tweets = Meteor.call('fetchTweets', function(error, result){ 
            return result;
        return { 
            tweets: tweets

    render() {
        const {tweets} = this.state;

    _renderTweets(tweet, ii) {
        if (!tweet.entities.media) {
                <div key={ii}>
        else {
                <div key={ii}>
                    <img src={tweet.entities.media.media_url} alt=""/>

And then you would render that to the DOM. 然后将其呈现给DOM。

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