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[英]Powershell script for searching properties for a limited number of users on the AD

I am trying to run a PS script of a limited number of users. 我正在尝试运行有限数量的用户的PS脚本。 As I have too many users on AD, it's taking a long time. 由于我在AD上的用户过多,因此需要很长时间。

Anyone knows how to run Script on Limited number of users? 有谁知道如何在有限数量的用户上运行脚本? Eg: 200 例如: 200

Store the user in a variable, loop over it as you wish: 将用户存储在变量中,并根据需要在其上循环:

$user = Get-ADUser -Filter "*"
$start = 0;
for ($i = $start; $i -lt $start + 200; $i++) { 
  $user[$i] # run your code here

Now increase $start and go again. 现在增加$start并再次执行。


Get-ADUser -Filter * -ResultSetSize 200

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