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[英]How to resolve an SQLLite “no such table” error?

Overview: I'm using SQLLite to query an existing database in a Windows Phone 8.1 solution. 概述:我正在使用SQLLite查询Windows Phone 8.1解决方案中的现有数据库。 I've adapted this solution to read the database data back to my project. 我已经调整了这个解决方案 ,将数据库数据读回我的项目。 But when I call ToList() using the DB connection I get a no such database error . 但是当我使用数据库连接调用ToList()时,我得到一个没有这样的数据库错误

So far I've attached the database file and my DBHelper class uses the following code to query the data back: 到目前为止,我已经附加了数据库文件,我的DBHelper类使用以下代码来查询数据:

        using (var dbConn = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath))
            //No such table error thrown here ->
            List<ZoneInfo> zoneInfo = dbConn.Table<ZoneInfo>().ToList<ZoneInfo>();
            ObservableCollection<ZoneInfo> zoneInfoCollection = new ObservableCollection<ZoneInfo>(zoneInfo);
            return zoneInfoCollection;

This is the complete DBHelper class which reference the existing DB file from my solution and copies it to the device's local folder. 这是完整的DBHelper类,它引用我的解决方案中的现有DB文件并将其复制到设备的本地文件夹。 The DB file itself is here . DB文件本身就在这里

Debugging steps: 调试步骤:

  • I reviewed the ZoneInfo class properties to check that they match with the type/name each field in the DB schema below, and they match. 我查看了ZoneInfo类属性,以检查它们是否与下面数据库模式中的每个字段的类型/名称匹配,并且它们匹配。
  • The dbPath name matches the attached database name so that's not the issue either. dbPath名称与附加的数据库名称匹配,因此也不是问题。
  • I also found a similar question related to SQLLite on Android which suggests it could be an issue with my query on the table. 我还发现了一个 Android上的SQLLite相关的类似问题 ,这表明我的查询可能是一个问题。
  • I also inspected the dbconn variable and it shows me more info on the error: 我还检查了dbconn变量,它向我显示了有关错误的更多信息:

在此输入图像描述 Question: 题:

What steps should I take to debug the SQLLite "no table" error further? 我应该采取哪些步骤来进一步调试SQLLite“无表”错误?

Exception Detail: The exact detail of the exception is as follows which tells me there is no such ZoneInfo table: 异常详细信息:异常的确切细节如下所示,它告诉我没有这样的ZoneInfo表:

SQLite.SQLiteException was unhandled by user code
  Message=no such table: ZoneInfo
  Source=Parking Tag Picker WRT
       at SQLite.SQLite3.Prepare2(IntPtr db, String query)
       at SQLite.SQLiteCommand.Prepare()
       at SQLite.SQLiteCommand.<ExecuteDeferredQuery>d__0`1.MoveNext()
       at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
       at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
       at SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteQuery[T]()
       at SQLite.TableQuery`1.GetEnumerator()
       at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
       at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
       at Parking_Tag_Picker_WRT.Helpers.DatabaseHelper.ReadZones(String dbPath)
       at Parking_Tag_Picker_WRT.ViewModel.TagRequestViewModel.InitZoneInfoAsync()
       at Parking_Tag_Picker_WRT.TagRequestPage.OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)

ZoneInfo Class: (maps the DB data to a class) ZoneInfo类:(将DB数据映射到类)

public class ZoneInfo

    //The ObjectId property is marked as the Primary Key  
    public string ObjectId { get; set; }

    public string ZoneName { get; set; }

    public int? TariffPH  { get; set; }

    public int? TariffPD { get; set; }

    public string Restrictions { get; set; }

    public string DaysOpen { get; set; }

    public string HoursOpen { get; set; }

    public ZoneInfo() 


    public ZoneInfo(string objectId, string zoneName, int tariffPH, int tariffPD, 
        string restrictions, string daysOpen, string hoursOpen )

        ObjectId = objectId;
        ZoneName = zoneName;
        TariffPH = tariffPH;
        TariffPD = tariffPD;
        Restrictions = restrictions;
        DaysOpen = daysOpen;
        HoursOpen = hoursOpen;


DB Schema: 数据库架构:


DB Location in solution: 解决方案中的DB位置:


According to your github repo your dbpath represents just the relative path right Databases/DublinCityCouncilTable.db . 根据你的github repo,你的dbpath只代表右边的相对路径Databases/DublinCityCouncilTable.db Now for creating your connection you would need to provide the absolute path to your copied datatbase which would be 现在,为了创建连接,您需要提供复制的数据库的绝对路径

using (var dbConn = new SQLiteConnection(Path.Combine(ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path,@"Databases\DublinCityCouncilTable.db"), true))

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