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CakePHP Paypal IPN插件电子邮件不起作用

[英]CakePHP Paypal IPN Plugin email not working

I'm using this plugin in a CakePHP Application. 我在CakePHP应用程序中使用插件。 Everything seems to work except sending emails. 除了发送电子邮件外,其他一切似乎都可以正常工作。

I have the following code in AppController.php 我在AppController.php中有以下代码

function afterPaypalNotification($txnId)
    //Here is where you can implement code to apply the transaction to your app.
    //for example, you could now mark an order as paid, a subscription, or give the user premium access.
    //retrieve the transaction using the txnId passed and apply whatever logic your site needs.

    $transaction = ClassRegistry::init('PaypalIpn.InstantPaymentNotification')->findById($txnId);
    $this->log($transaction['InstantPaymentNotification']['id'], 'paypal');

    //Tip: be sure to check the payment_status is complete because failure
    //     are also saved to your database for review.

    if ($transaction['InstantPaymentNotification']['payment_status'] == 'Completed') 
        //Yay!  We have monies!
            'id' => $txnId,
            'subject' => 'Thanks!',
            'message' => 'Thank you for the transaction!'
        //Oh no, better look at this transaction to determine what to do; like email a decline letter.
            'id' => $txnId,
            'subject' => 'Failed!',
            'message' => 'Please review your transaction'

But the data returned from Paypal is saved in the instant_payment_notifications table but for some reason the emails are not sent. 但是从Paypal返回的数据保存在Instant_payment_notifications表中,但是由于某些原因未发送电子邮件。 Has anybody tried this plugin before and did the email fonctionality work? 之前有人尝试过该插件吗,电子邮件功能是否起作用?

Do I need to enable email.php in app/Config for the emails to work? 我需要在app / Config中启用email.php才能使电子邮件正常工作吗? I read somewhere on Cake's website that I don't need that file for emails to work, so I guess that's not where the problem is. 我在Cake网站上的某个地方读到,我不需要该文件即可运行电子邮件,所以我想这不是问题所在。

Any help will be appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

Thanks. 谢谢。

In CakePhp 2.5 you should use CakeEmail 在CakePhp 2.5中,您应该使用CakeEmail

Create the file /app/Config/email.php with the class EmailConfig. 使用类EmailConfig创建文件/app/Config/email.php。 The /app/Config/email.php.default has an example of this file. /app/Config/email.php.default包含此文件的示例。

Add following line in /app/Controller/AppController.php before class declaration 在类声明之前在/app/Controller/AppController.php中添加以下行

App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');

In afterPaypalNotification function replace 在afterPaypalNotification函数中替换

    'id' => $txnId,
    'subject' => 'Thanks!',
    'message' => 'Thank you for the transaction!'

with (fast e-mail, no style) 与(快速电子邮件,没有样式)

CakeEmail::deliver('customer@example.com', 'Thanks!', 'Thank you for the transaction!', array('from' => 'you@example.com'));

or 要么

$Email = new CakeEmail();
$Email->template('email_template', 'email_layout')
    ->viewVars(array('id' => $txnId))

Email template goes to /app/View/Emails/html/email_template.ctp 电子邮件模板转到/app/View/Emails/html/email_template.ctp

Email layouts goes to /app/View/Layouts/Emails/html/email_layout.ctp 电子邮件布局转到/app/View/Layouts/Emails/html/email_layout.ctp

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