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[英]Django form for a model create object of another model

Is there anyway to create an object of another model instance in a django form for a specified model? 无论如何,是否以Django形式为指定模型创建另一个模型实例的对象? For instance when you'll add a new user using django admin you have the options to create another group ou add the user to an existing one. 例如,当您使用django admin添加新用户时,您可以选择创建另一个组,也可以将该用户添加到现有用户中。

@Edit I will try to clarify better with another example ... I have a product form, to add a new product, the user can choose which category it belongs, but if there is no such category, it will have to create the corresponding category. @Edit我将尝试用另一个示例进行更好的说明...我有一个产品表格,添加一个新产品,用户可以选择它所属的类别,但是如果没有这样的类别,则必须创建相应的类别类别。 And then add this product to new category and save the new product. 然后将此产品添加到新类别并保存新产品。

if form.is_valid():
    c = form.cleaned_data["category"]
    category = Category.objects.filter(name=c).first()
    if not category:
        category = Category.objects.create(name=c)
    product = form.save(commit=False)
    product.category = category

You could also consider using a pre_save signal to create the category object. 您也可以考虑使用pre_save信号创建类别对象。 But this is much simpler and easy to maintain. 但这更简单,易于维护。

我能够使用karthikr答案以及我在stackoverflow Django表单上的该线程以及其他选项和freetext选项实现我想要的功能

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