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[英]Vector storing objects

I have created 3 classes. 我创建了3个课程。

  • All class - storing all Groups 所有类别-存储所有组
  • Group class - Storing objects of students into vector. 分组课程-将学生的对象存储到向量中。
  • Studen class - storing information about a student. 学生班-存储有关学生的信息。

I have a problem with All class - method printAllofThem it should iterate through Group objets and call method in printAll which should iterate though all Student objects and call printAtributes, but the output looks like this : 我对All类有问题-方法printAllofThem它应该遍历Group objets并在printAll中调用方法,该方法应该遍历所有Student对象并调用printAtributes,但是输出看起来像这样:

all . printAllofThem ( );

Output: 输出:



Expected output: 预期产量:

name: Mark | age: 20 | A1

name: Alan | age: 20 | A1

name: Eric | age: 19 | A1

name: John | age: 19 | B1

It gives me the right output only when i call it like this in main function: 仅当我在main函数中这样调用它时,它才给我正确的输出:

A1 . printAll  ( );
B1 . printAll  ( );

Code : 代码:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class Student
    Student ( string name, int age, string cllass );
    void printAtributes ( void ) const;

    string                    nameOfStudent;
    string                    whichClass;
    int                       ageOfStudent;
class Group
    Group ( void );
    bool addStudent ( const Student & X );
    void printAll( void ) const;

    vector<Student> vectorOfStudents;
class All
    All ( void );
    bool addToAll ( const Group & T );
    void printAllofThem ( void ) const;

    vector<Group> vectorOfAll;
All::All ( void )
bool All::addToAll ( const Group & T )
  vectorOfAll . push_back ( T );
  return true;
void All::printAllofThem ( void ) const  // Function which iterate thought group objects
  cout << "-------------------" << endl;
  for ( const auto & allofthem : vectorOfAll )
    allofthem . printAll  (  );
    cout << endl;
Student::Student ( string name, int age, string cllass )
             :nameOfStudent( name ), ageOfStudent( age ), whichClass( cllass )
void Student::printAtributes ( void ) const
  cout << "name: " << nameOfStudent << " | " << "age: " << ageOfStudent << " | " << whichClass << endl;
Group::Group ( void )
bool Group::addStudent ( const Student & X )
  vectorOfStudents . push_back ( X );
  return true;
void Group::printAll ( void ) const
  cout << "-------------------" << endl;
  for ( const auto & student : vectorOfStudents )
    student . printAtributes (  );
    cout << endl;
int main()

  All           all; // Representing all classes
  Group         A1;
  Group         B1;

  all . addToAll ( A1 );
  all . addToAll ( B1 );

  A1 . addStudent ( Student ( "Mark", 20, "A1" ) );
  A1 . addStudent ( Student ( "Alan", 20, "A1") );
  A1 . addStudent ( Student ( "Eric", 19, "A1" ) );

  B1 . addStudent ( Student ( "John", 19, "B1" ) );

  A1 . printAll  ( );
  B1 . printAll  ( );

  all . printAllofThem ( );

  return 0;    


When you added A1 and B1 to all , both of those groups were still empty - and you took copies of them. 当您将A1B1添加到all ,这两个组仍然为空-并已将它们复制。 When you subsequently added students to A1 and B1 , those groups got new students, but the groups in all are entirely different groups - they remain unmodified. 当您随后将学生添加到A1B1 ,这些组获得了新学生,但是all组都是完全不同的组-它们保持不变。

Either 要么

  • Add the students to the groups first , then add the groups to all . 首先将学生添加到组中, 然后all组添加到中。
  • Have the groups be shared_ptr<Group> instead, with All having a vector<shared_ptr<Group>> . 而是让组为shared_ptr<Group> ,而All都有一个vector<shared_ptr<Group>> This way, the ordering doesn't matter since there will only be two group objects that everybody is simply sharing ownership of. 这样,排序就没有关系了,因为只有两个组对象,每个人都只是简单地共享其所有权。

Side-note. 边注。 This is a truly excessive amount of spaces: 这确实是过多的空间:

B1 . printAll  ( );

You don't need... any of them: 您不需要...其中任何一个:


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