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[英]Java server side annotated REST client library

I'm building a middleware service that consumes external REST services (from the server side). 我正在构建一个使用外部REST服务(从服务器端)的中间件服务。 I'm currently using Spring boot with RestTemplate to make the remote calls. 我目前正在使用Spring Boot和RestTemplate进行远程调用。

    Map<String, String> urlVariables = new HashMap<>();
    urlVariables.put("address", IP);
    urlVariables.put("port", PORT);
    urlVariables.put("par1", parameter1);
    urlVariables.put("par2", parameter2);

    MyServiceResponse state =
            restTemplate.getForObject("http://{address}:{port}/service/{par1}/{par2}", MyServiceResponse.class, urlVariables);

I was wondering whether there's any library that provides annotations to automatically generate REST clients, like Volley does in Android. 我想知道是否有任何库提供注释来自动生成REST客户端,就像Volley在Android中一样。

public MyServiceResponse getCurrentState(String address, String port, String par1, String par2)

There is the RESTEasy Proxy Framework : RESTEasy代理框架

Resteasy has a client proxy framework that allows you to use JAX-RS annotations to invoke on a remote HTTP resource. Resteasy的客户端代理框架使您可以使用JAX-RS批注在远程HTTP资源上调用。 The way it works is that you write a Java interface and use JAX-RS annotations on methods and the interface. 它的工作方式是编写一个Java接口,并在方法和接口上使用JAX-RS批注。

Are you looking for something like this?: 您是否正在寻找这样的东西?

https://github.com/dpalmisano/NoTube-Beancounter-2.0/blob/master/platform/src/main/java/io/beancounter/platform/rai/MyRaiTVService.java#L45 https://github.com/dpalmisano/NoTube-Beancounter-2.0/blob/master/platform/src/main/java/io/beancounter/platform/rai/MyRaiTVService.java#L45

public Response loginWithAuth(
        @FormParam("username") String username,
        @FormParam("token") String token

) {
    try {
        Validations.checkNotEmpty(username, "Missing username parameter");
        Validations.checkNotEmpty(token, "Missing MyRaiTV token parameter");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        return error(ex.getMessage());

You can use REST Gap for this. 您可以为此使用REST Gap You only need to: 您只需要:

  • Have Spring MVC or JAX-RS style annotated interfaces 具有Spring MVC或JAX-RS样式的带注释的接口
  • Call the REST Gap factory and pass your interface and a RestTemplate instance 调用REST Gap工厂并传递您的界面和RestTemplate实例
  • Receive an implementation of your interface that calls your REST Service 接收调用REST服务的接口的实现

This is how it looks in code (for a Spring-MVC interface IPetStoreService): 这是它在代码中的外观(对于Spring-MVC接口IPetStoreService):

// Create client
IPetStoreService client = RESTTemplateSpringMVCFactory
    .create(restTemplate, "http://mypetstore.com/rest", IPetStoreService.class);

// Call it!
List<Pet> pets = client.listPets();

That's it! 而已!

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