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[英]Summary table for aggregate values in a data frame

I have a data frame like below 我有一个如下数据框

    ID        VALUE   GROUP   MODEL
1     id_1   17.6100597 Group A Model B
2    id_10 6814.7109375 Group A Model B
3   id_100   26.5990372 Group C Model F
4  id_1000    0.0000000 Group B Model D
5   id_101  486.4001160 Group C Model C
6   id_102  108.9007416 Group C Model C
7   id_103    1.0070915 Group B Model F
8   id_104    0.5426522 Group B Model F
9   id_105    1.1137601 Group C Model C
10  id_106    0.2867465 Group C Model C

and I would like to create a summary table with the aggregate values based on Groups and Models. 我想创建一个汇总表,其中包含基于组和模型的汇总值。 So for every group the aggregates of each models and a further row with the total for that group. 因此,对于每个组,每个模型的集合以及该组的总数的下一行。 Like 喜欢

# Groups    Models    Aggregates
# Group A   Model A   aggAA
# Group A   Model B   aggAB
# Group A   Total A   aggA
# Group B   Model A   aggBA
# Group B   Model B   aggBB
# Group B   Model C   aggBC
# Group B   Total B   aggB

I create this script to do that 我创建此脚本来做到这一点

dat <- read.csv2("data.csv")

dat$GROUP <- factor(dat$GROUP)
groupnames <- levels(dat$GROUP)

resume <- NULL
for (group in groupnames) {
  dat1 <- dat1[dat1$GROUP == group,]

  aggdat1 <- aggregate(dat1[,"VALUE"],list(dat1[,"MODEL"]),FUN=sum)
  colnames(aggdat1) <- c("MODEL", "VALUE")

  resumegroup <- rbind(aggdat1,c(" ",colSums(aggdat1[-1])))
  resumegroup <- cbind("GROUP"=group,resumegroup)

  resume <- rbind(resume,resumegroup)


Unfortunately this does not work and I got a weird error message after the subset command, already for the first iteration (Group A) when it's clear that must be with some rows. 不幸的是,这不起作用,并且在执行子集命令后,我已经收到了一个奇怪的错误消息,对于第一次迭代(组A),当很明显它必须包含某些行时,已经出现了。

<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names) <0行>(或0长度的行名称)

Error in aggregate.data.frame(as.data.frame(x), ...) : no rows to aggregate Aggregate.data.frame(as.data.frame(x),...)中的错误:没有要聚合的行

is this what you are looking for?: 这是你想要的?:

dat %>% group_by(GROUP,MODEL) %>% summarise(sum = sum(VALUE))

or in good old R : 或在旧R

aggregate(a$VALUE , by = list( a$GROUP , a$MODEL )  , FUN = sum)

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