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使用 nbconvert 执行包含内联降价的 Jupyter 笔记本

[英]Execute a Jupyter notebook including inline markdown with nbconvert

I have a Jupyter notebook that includes python variables in markdown cells like this:我有一个 Jupyter 笔记本,它在 Markdown 单元格中包含 python 变量,如下所示:

code cell:代码单元格:

x = 10

markdown cell:降价单元格:

The value of x is {{x}}.

The IPython-notebook-extension Python Markdown allows me to dynamically display these variables if I execute the markdown cell with shift-enter in the notebook.如果我在笔记本中使用 shift-enter 执行 markdown 单元格,则IPython-notebook-extension Python Markdown允许我动态显示这些变量。

markdown cell:降价单元格:

The value of x is 10.

I would like to programmatically execute all cells in the notebook and save them to a new notebook using something like this:我想以编程方式执行笔记本中的所有单元格,并使用以下内容将它们保存到新笔记本中:

import nbformat
from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor

with open('report.ipynb') as f:
    nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)
        ep = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=600, kernel_name='python3')
        ep.preprocess(nb, {})
with open('report_executed.ipynb', 'wt') as f:
    nbformat.write(nb, f)

This will execute the code cells but not the markdown cells.这将执行代码单元而不是降价单元。 They still look like this:它们仍然是这样的:

The value of x is {{x}}.

I think the issue is that the notebook is not trusted.我认为问题在于笔记本不受信任。 Is there a way to tell ExecutePreprocessor to trust the notebook?有没有办法告诉 ExecutePreprocessor 信任笔记本? Is there another way to programmatically execute a notebook including python variables in the markdown cells?是否有另一种方法以编程方式执行笔记本,包括降价单元格中的 python 变量?

The ExecutePreprocessor only looks at code cells , so your markdown cells are completely untouched. ExecutePreprocessor 只查看代码单元格,因此您的降价单元格完全没有受到影响。 To do markdown processing, you need the Python Markdown preprocessor, as you have stated.如您所说,要进行降价处理,您需要 Python Markdown 预处理器。

Unfortunately, the Python Markdown preprocessor system only executes the code in a live notebook, which it does by modifying the javascript involved with rendering cells .不幸的是,Python Markdown 预处理器系统只在实时笔记本中执行代码,它通过修改与渲染单元格相关的 javascript 来实现 The modification stores the results of executing the code snippets in the cell metadata.修改将执行代码片段的结果存储在单元元数据中。

The PyMarkdownPreprocessor class (in pre_pymarkdown.py ) was designed to be used with nbconvert operating on notebooks that had been rendered first in a live notebook setting. PyMarkdownPreprocessor类(在pre_pymarkdown.py 中)旨在与 nbconvert 在笔记本上运行时一起使用,这些笔记本首先在实时笔记本设置中呈现。 It processes markdown cells, replacing {{}} patterns with the values stored in the metadata.它处理降价单元格,用元数据中存储的值替换{{}}模式。

In your situation, however, you don't have the live notebook metadata.但是,在您的情况下,您没有实时笔记本元数据。 I had a similar problem, and I solved it by writing my own execution preprocessor that also included logic to handle the markdown cells:我有一个类似的问题,我通过编写自己的执行预处理器来解决它,该预处理器还包括处理降价单元的逻辑:

from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor, Preprocessor
import nbformat, nbconvert
from textwrap import dedent

class ExecuteCodeMarkdownPreprocessor(ExecutePreprocessor):

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        self.sections = {'default': True} # maps section ID to true or false
        self.EmptyCell = nbformat.v4.nbbase.new_raw_cell("")

        return super().__init__(**kw)

    def preprocess_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index):
        Executes a single code cell. See base.py for details.
        To execute all cells see :meth:`preprocess`.

        if cell.cell_type not in ['code','markdown']:
            return cell, resources

        if cell.cell_type == 'code':
            # Do code stuff
            return self.preprocess_code_cell(cell, resources, cell_index)

        elif cell.cell_type == 'markdown':
            # Do markdown stuff
            return self.preprocess_markdown_cell(cell, resources, cell_index)
            # Don't do anything
            return cell, resources

    def preprocess_code_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index):
        ''' Process code cell.
        outputs = self.run_cell(cell)
        cell.outputs = outputs

        if not self.allow_errors:
            for out in outputs:
                if out.output_type == 'error':
                    pattern = u"""\
                        An error occurred while executing the following cell:
                        {out.ename}: {out.evalue}
                    msg = dedent(pattern).format(out=out, cell=cell)
                    raise nbconvert.preprocessors.execute.CellExecutionError(msg)

        return cell, resources

    def preprocess_markdown_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index):
        # Find and execute snippets of code
        cell['metadata']['variables'] = {}
        for m in re.finditer("{{(.*?)}}", cell.source):
            # Execute code
            fakecell = nbformat.v4.nbbase.new_code_cell(m.group(1))
            fakecell, resources = self.preprocess_code_cell(fakecell, resources, cell_index)

            # Output found in cell.outputs
            # Put output in cell['metadata']['variables']
            for output in fakecell.outputs:
                html = self.convert_output_to_html(output)
                if html is not None:
                    cell['metadata']['variables'][fakecell.source] = html
        return cell, resources

    def convert_output_to_html(self, output):
        '''Convert IOpub output to HTML

        See https://github.com/ipython-contrib/IPython-notebook-extensions/blob/master/nbextensions/usability/python-markdown/main.js
        if output['output_type'] == 'error':
            text = '**' + output.ename + '**: ' + output.evalue; 
            return text
        elif output.output_type == 'execute_result' or output.output_type == 'display_data':
            data = output.data
            if 'text/latex' in data:
                html = data['text/latex']
                return html
            elif 'image/svg+xml' in data:
                # Not supported
                #var svg = ul['image/svg+xml'];
                #/* embed SVG in an <img> tag, still get eaten by sanitizer... */
                #svg = btoa(svg);
                #html = '<img src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + svg + '"/>';
                return None
            elif 'image/jpeg' in data:
                jpeg = data['image/jpeg']
                html = '<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,' + jpeg + '"/>'
                return html
            elif 'image/png' in data:
                png = data['image/png']
                html = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' + png + '"/>'
                return html
            elif 'text/markdown' in data:
                text = data['text/markdown']
                return text
            elif 'text/html' in data:
                html = data['text/html']
                return html
            elif 'text/plain' in data:
                text = data['text/plain']
                # Strip <p> and </p> tags
                # Strip quotes
                # html.match(/<p>([\s\S]*?)<\/p>/)[1]
                text = re.sub(r'<p>([\s\S]*?)<\/p>', r'\1', text)
                text = re.sub(r"'([\s\S]*?)'",r'\1', text)
                return text
            # Some tag we don't support
                return None
            return None

You can then process you notebook with logic similar to your posted code:然后,您可以使用类似于您发布的代码的逻辑处理您的笔记本:

import nbformat
from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor
import ExecuteCodeMarkdownPreprocessor # from wherever you put it
import PyMarkdownPreprocessor # from pre_pymarkdown.py

with open('report.ipynb') as f:
    nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)
    ep = ExecuteCodeMarkdownPreprocessor(timeout=600, kernel_name='python3')
    ep.preprocess(nb, {})
    pymk = PyMarkdownPreprocessor()
    pymk.preprocess(nb, {})

with open('report_executed.ipynb', 'wt') as f:
    nbformat.write(nb, f)

Note that by including the Python Markdown preprocessing, your resultant notebook file will no longer have the {{}} syntax in the markdown cells - the markdown will have static content.请注意,通过包含 Python Markdown 预处理,您生成的笔记本文件在 Markdown 单元格中将不再具有{{}}语法 - Markdown 将具有静态内容。 If the recipient of the resultant notebook changes the code and executes again, the markdown will not be updated.如果结果笔记本的接收者更改了代码并再次执行,则降价将不会更新。 However, if you are exporting to a different format (such as HTML), then you do want to replace the {{}} syntax with static content.但是,如果您要导出为不同的格式(例如 HTML),那么您确实希望将{{}}语法替换为静态内容。

Update 2021.06.29 2021.06.29 更新

This again needs to be updated due to changes in nbconvert to using nbclient call ( https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/commit/e7bf8350435a66cc50faf29ff12df492be5d7f57#diff-bee04d71b1dfc0202a0239b1513fd81d983edc339a9734ca4f4813276feed032 ).这又需要因nbconvert改变使用nbclient调用(待更新https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/commit/e7bf8350435a66cc50faf29ff12df492be5d7f57#diff-bee04d71b1dfc0202a0239b1513fd81d983edc339a9734ca4f4813276feed032 )。 Since run_cell is no longer available, both the code and markdown cell processing needs to be modified.由于run_cell不再可用,代码和markdown单元处理都需要修改。 This works:这有效:

import nbformat
from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor
from nbconvert.preprocessors import execute
import re

# Taken from:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35805121/execute-a-jupyter-notebook-including-inline-markdown-with-nbconvert, modified to avoid using superseeded run_cell calls.

class ExecuteCodeMarkdownPreprocessor(ExecutePreprocessor):

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        self.sections = {'default': True} # maps section ID to true or false
        self.EmptyCell = nbformat.v4.nbbase.new_raw_cell("")


    def preprocess_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index, store_history=True):
        Executes a single code cell. See base.py for details.
        To execute all cells see :meth:`preprocess`.

        if cell.cell_type not in ['code', 'markdown']:
            return cell, resources

        if cell.cell_type == 'code':
            # Do code stuff
            return self.preprocess_code_cell(cell, resources, cell_index, store_history)

        elif cell.cell_type == 'markdown':
            # Do markdown stuff
            cell, resources = self.preprocess_markdown_cell(cell, resources, cell_index, store_history)
            return cell, resources
            # Don't do anything
            return cell, resources

    def preprocess_code_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index, store_history):
        """ Process code cell. Follow preprocess_cell from ExecutePreprocessor
        cell = self.execute_cell(cell, cell_index, store_history=True)
        return cell, self.resources

    def preprocess_markdown_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index, store_history):
        # Find and execute snippets of code
        cell['metadata']['variables'] = {}
        for m in re.finditer("{{(.*?)}}", cell.source):
            # Execute code
            fakecell, resources = self.preprocess_code_cell(self.nb.cells[-1], resources, len(self.nb.cells)-1, store_history)
            # Output found in cell.outputs
            # Put output in cell['metadata']['variables']
            for output in fakecell.outputs:
                html = self.convert_output_to_html(output)
                if html is not None:
                    cell['metadata']['variables'][fakecell.source] = html
        return cell, resources

    def convert_output_to_html(self, output):
        """Convert IOpub output to HTML

        See https://github.com/ipython-contrib/IPython-notebook-extensions/blob/master/nbextensions/usability/python-markdown/main.js
        if output['output_type'] == 'error':
            text = '**' + output.ename + '**: ' + output.evalue
            return text
        elif output.output_type == 'execute_result' or output.output_type == 'display_data':
            data = output.data
            if 'text/latex' in data:
                html = data['text/latex']
                return html
            elif 'image/svg+xml' in data:
                # Not supported
                #var svg = ul['image/svg+xml'];
                #/* embed SVG in an <img> tag, still get eaten by sanitizer... */
                #svg = btoa(svg);
                #html = '<img src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + svg + '"/>';
                return None
            elif 'image/jpeg' in data:
                jpeg = data['image/jpeg']
                html = '<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,' + jpeg + '"/>'
                return html
            elif 'image/png' in data:
                png = data['image/png']
                html = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' + png + '"/>'
                return html
            elif 'text/markdown' in data:
                text = data['text/markdown']
                return text
            elif 'text/html' in data:
                html = data['text/html']
                return html
            elif 'text/plain' in data:
                text = data['text/plain']
                # Strip <p> and </p> tags
                # Strip quotes
                # html.match(/<p>([\s\S]*?)<\/p>/)[1]
                text = re.sub(r'<p>([\s\S]*?)<\/p>', r'\1', text)
                text = re.sub(r"'([\s\S]*?)'",r'\1', text)
                return text
            # Some tag we don't support
                return None
            return None

Usage remains the same.用法保持不变。

Update 2020-07-08更新 2020-07-08

The answer provided by @gordon-bean was a life-saver for me. @gordon-bean 提供的答案对我来说是救命稻草。 In my final round of googling before giving up I found this answer, so before I continue I just want to say thanks!在我放弃之前的最后一轮谷歌搜索中,我找到了这个答案,所以在我继续之前,我只想说声谢谢!

However, slightly over 4 years after the original answer jupyter / nbconvert went through some changes and the provided code needs to be updated.然而,在最初的答案 jupyter / nbconvert 经历了一些变化之后的 4 年多一点,提供的代码需要更新。 So here it is:所以这里是:

from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor
from nbconvert.preprocessors import execute
import nbformat
import re

# Taken from:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35805121/execute-a-jupyter-notebook-including-inline-markdown-with-nbconvert
class ExecuteCodeMarkdownPreprocessor(ExecutePreprocessor):

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        self.sections = {'default': True} # maps section ID to true or false
        self.EmptyCell = nbformat.v4.nbbase.new_raw_cell("")


    def preprocess_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index, store_history=True):
        Executes a single code cell. See base.py for details.
        To execute all cells see :meth:`preprocess`.

        if cell.cell_type not in ['code', 'markdown']:
            return cell, resources

        if cell.cell_type == 'code':
            # Do code stuff
            return self.preprocess_code_cell(cell, resources, cell_index, store_history)

        elif cell.cell_type == 'markdown':
            # Do markdown stuff
            return self.preprocess_markdown_cell(cell, resources, cell_index, store_history)
            # Don't do anything
            return cell, resources

    def preprocess_code_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index, store_history):
        """ Process code cell.
        # outputs = self.run_cell(cell)
        reply, outputs = self.run_cell(cell, cell_index, store_history)

        cell.outputs = outputs

        cell_allows_errors = (self.allow_errors or "raises-exception"
                              in cell.metadata.get("tags", []))

        if self.force_raise_errors or not cell_allows_errors:
            for out in cell.outputs:
                if out.output_type == 'error':
                    raise execute.CellExecutionError.from_cell_and_msg(cell, out)
            if (reply is not None) and reply['content']['status'] == 'error':
                raise execute.CellExecutionError.from_cell_and_msg(cell, reply['content'])

        return cell, resources

    def preprocess_markdown_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index, store_history):
        # Find and execute snippets of code
        cell['metadata']['variables'] = {}
        for m in re.finditer("{{(.*?)}}", cell.source):
            # Execute code
            fakecell = nbformat.v4.nbbase.new_code_cell(m.group(1))
            fakecell, resources = self.preprocess_code_cell(fakecell, resources, cell_index, store_history)

            # Output found in cell.outputs
            # Put output in cell['metadata']['variables']
            for output in fakecell.outputs:
                html = self.convert_output_to_html(output)
                if html is not None:
                    cell['metadata']['variables'][fakecell.source] = html
        return cell, resources

    def convert_output_to_html(self, output):
        """Convert IOpub output to HTML

        See https://github.com/ipython-contrib/IPython-notebook-extensions/blob/master/nbextensions/usability/python-markdown/main.js
        if output['output_type'] == 'error':
            text = '**' + output.ename + '**: ' + output.evalue
            return text
        elif output.output_type == 'execute_result' or output.output_type == 'display_data':
            data = output.data
            if 'text/latex' in data:
                html = data['text/latex']
                return html
            elif 'image/svg+xml' in data:
                # Not supported
                #var svg = ul['image/svg+xml'];
                #/* embed SVG in an <img> tag, still get eaten by sanitizer... */
                #svg = btoa(svg);
                #html = '<img src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + svg + '"/>';
                return None
            elif 'image/jpeg' in data:
                jpeg = data['image/jpeg']
                html = '<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,' + jpeg + '"/>'
                return html
            elif 'image/png' in data:
                png = data['image/png']
                html = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' + png + '"/>'
                return html
            elif 'text/markdown' in data:
                text = data['text/markdown']
                return text
            elif 'text/html' in data:
                html = data['text/html']
                return html
            elif 'text/plain' in data:
                text = data['text/plain']
                # Strip <p> and </p> tags
                # Strip quotes
                # html.match(/<p>([\s\S]*?)<\/p>/)[1]
                text = re.sub(r'<p>([\s\S]*?)<\/p>', r'\1', text)
                text = re.sub(r"'([\s\S]*?)'",r'\1', text)
                return text
            # Some tag we don't support
                return None
            return None

Usage of this code remains exactly the same as reported by Gordon Bean .此代码的用法与Gordon Bean报告的完全相同。

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