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[英]How to compose multiple authentication handlers in Katana?

I want to create a web API service which exposes a resource that can be accessed using either a client certificate OR a JWT token for authentication. 我想创建一个Web API服务,该服务公开一个可以使用客户端证书 JWT令牌进行身份验证的资源。

I found some middleware that validates a client certificate and some nice instructions how to create your own authentication middleware . 我找到了一些用于验证客户端证书的中间件,以及一些有关如何创建自己的身份验证中间件的很好的说明。 Microsoft has middleware OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware that validates JWT tokens. Microsoft具有验证JWT令牌的中间件OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware Obviously I can't just install them both as the first middleware will terminate the pipeline when authentication fails. 显然我不能同时安装它们,因为当身份验证失败时,第一个中间件将终止管道。

So I thought I would create a composite authentication middleware class that owns two AuthenticationHandler objects and would call AuthenticateAsync() for the handlers from its AuthenticateCoreAsync() until one returns a valid AuthenticationTicket . 因此,我想我将创建一个复合身份验证中间件类,该类具有两个AuthenticationHandler对象,并将从其AuthenticateCoreAsync()的处理程序中调用AuthenticateAsync() ,直到一个返回有效的AuthenticationTicket为止。 The problem is that the CreateHandler methods in the AuthenticationMiddleware class are protected, so I can't seem to compose these objects. 问题在于AuthenticationMiddleware类中的CreateHandler方法受到保护,因此我似乎无法组成这些对象。

I cannot instantiate the OAuthBearerAuthenticationHandler class myself as it is internal. 我无法自己实例化OAuthBearerAuthenticationHandler类,因为它是内部的。

How can I re-use these existing middleware components to enable both types of authentication without copying the code into my own handler? 如何在不将代码复制到自己的处理程序中的情况下重新使用这些现有的中间件组件来启用两种身份验证?

Or am I going about this the wrong way and is there another way of having two authentication methods on the same web API service? 还是我会走错路,在同一个Web API服务上是否有另外两种方式来使用两种身份验证方法?

It is actually not true that authentication middleware terminates the pipeline when authentication fails. 身份验证失败时,身份验证中间件终止管道实际上是不正确的。 It is designed to be composable. 它被设计为可组合的。

Every middleware can contribute zero or one identity which becomes a ClaimsPrincipal in the end. 每个中间件可以贡献零个或一个身份,最终成为ClaimsPrincipal

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