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在 ember-cli-mirage 中引入瞬时延迟

[英]Introduce momentary delays in ember-cli-mirage

I am using ember-cli-mirage for acceptance tests.我正在使用 ember-cli-mirage 进行验收测试。 For a specific case, I would like to check the behaviour while fetching data over a slow connection.对于特定情况,我想在通过慢速连接获取数据时检查行为。

There's a setting in ember-cli-mirage called timing that simulates a delay in the response. ember-cli-mirage 中有一个设置,称为timing ,用于模拟响应中的延迟。 However, this setting cannot be changed to be different in a specific test:但是,此设置不能在特定测试中更改为不同:

// app/mirage/config.js
this.timing = 400;

Something else I have tried is returning a promise at the fake endpoint.我尝试过的其他事情是在假端点返回承诺。 Through some import/export, I could control the resolution of the promise from my test.通过一些导入/导出,我可以从我的测试中控制承诺的分辨率。 Unfortunately, ember-cli-mirage doesn't seem to recognise the return value as a promise, and simply passes it back to the adapter verbatim:不幸的是,ember-cli-mirage 似乎没有将返回值识别为承诺,而只是将其逐字传递回适配器:

// app/mirage/config.js
this.get('/StopPoint/Search/:term', (db, request) => {
  return freezer.run(function() {
    return db[`stop-point-search-${request.params.term}`][0];

// At my test

The question : is there any way to do this?问题:有没有办法做到这一点? Ie: to control the delay of a specific response in ember-cli-mirage?即:控制 ember-cli-mirage 中特定响应的延迟?

A few thoughts:一些想法:

  • You can change timing within a specific test via server.timing .您可以通过server.timing更改特定测试中的时间。 The server should be reinstantiated for each test so this wouldn't affect other tests.应该为每个测试重新实例化服务器,这样就不会影响其他测试。

     test('for slow behavior', function() { server.timing = 400; // });
  • You can also redefine route handlers within tests as shown here in the second example of the Acceptance testing guides .您还可以在测试中重新定义路由处理程序,如验收测试指南的第二个示例中所示。 If you're using 0.2.0-beta , route handlers have a timing option you can use to affect just that handler:如果您使用0.2.0-beta ,路由处理程序有一个timing选项,您可以使用它来影响该处理程序:

     test('for slow behavior', function() { server.get('/slow-query', (schema, request) => { // return data; }, {timing: 400}; visit('/'); // assert(); });

I think your instinct to return something you have control over freezing would be the ideal way to test this, in tandem with something like Timecop .我认为你本能地返回你可以控制冻结的东西将是测试这个的理想方式,与诸如Timecop 之类的东西一起 Perhaps Mirage can add an API for this eventually.也许 Mirage 最终可以为此添加一个 API。

We had to test that our <progress> element displays in a test using mirage and discovered that making the render method syncronous and piggybacking off of waitFor and settled works best (and doesn't require setting this.server.timing at all):我们必须使用 mirage 测试我们的<progress>元素是否在测试中显示,并发现使render方法同步并搭载waitForsettled效果最佳(并且根本不需要设置this.server.timing ):

const SELECTORS = {
    LOADING_SPINNER: '[role="progressbar"]'

test('it displays loading spinner when fetching blog post', async function(assert) {
    this.blogId = 1;
    render(hbs`<BlogPost @blogId={{this.blogId}}/>`); // NOTE: no await
    assert.dom(SELECTORS.LOADING_SPINNER).exists({ count: 1 }, 'loading spinner rendered while blog post loads');
    await settled();
    assert.dom(SELECTORS.LOADING_SPINNER).doesNotExist('loading spinner removed when blog post loaded');

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