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[英]How to import specific text from files in to excel?

I found this code by @Scott Holtzman and I need to tweek it a bit to match my needs. 我通过@Scott Holtzman找到了这段代码,我需要对其进行一些调整以满足我的需求。 This code takes each line in a text file and puts it into seperate columns in an excel sheet(A1, B1, C1 and so on), each text file is stored in a seperate row(1,2,3 and so on). 此代码将文本文件中的每一行放入Excel工作表(A1,B1,C1等)的单独列中,每个文本文件存储在单独的行(1、2、3等)中。 First i want it to only put text into the excel sheet if the line starts with a specific text, second i want it to only copy some of the text from each line into the excel sheet. 首先,我希望它仅在行以特定文本开头的情况下才将文本放入excel工作表,其次我希望它仅将每行中的某些文本复制到excel工作表中。

Sub ReadFilesIntoActiveSheet()

Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim folder As folder, file As file, FileText As TextStream
Dim TextLine As String, Items() As String
Dim i As Long, cl As Range

' Get a FileSystem object
Set fso = New FileSystemObject

' get the directory you want
Set folder = fso.GetFolder("D:\YourDirectory\")

Dim x As Long
x = 1 'to offset rows for each file

' Loop thru all files in the folder
For Each file In folder.Files

' set the starting point to write the data to
Set cl = ActiveSheet.Cells(x, 1)

' Open the file
Set FileText = file.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading)

Dim j As Long
j = 0 'to offset columsn for each line
' Read the file one line at a time
Do While Not FileText.AtEndOfStream

    TextLine = FileText.ReadLine 'read line

    cl.Offset(, j).Value = TextLine 'fill cell

    j = j + 1

' Clean up

x = x + 1

Next file

Set FileText = Nothing
Set file = Nothing
Set folder = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing

End Sub

Here is what my text files look like: 我的文本文件如下所示:

From:NameName           'want all text except the "FROM:"
Date:yyyy.mm.dd         'want all text except the "Date:"
Type: XXXXXXXXX         ' I don't want this line into excel
To: namename            ' I don't want this line into excel

----------------------------- xxxxxxx ---------------------
A1: Tnr xxxxxxxxxxxxx   'want all text except the "A1: Tnr" only next 13char
A2: texttext            'want all text except the "A2:"
An:                     'A1 and up to A14
A14: texttext           'want all text except the "A14:"  

------------------------------ xxxxxx ----------------------

So in total there is 22 lines in the text file. 因此,文本文件中总共有22行。

And if it is possible to use the FROM:, DATE:, A1: to A14: as headers in the first row that would be epic. 并且如果可以使用FROM:,DATE:,A1:到A14:作为第一行的标题,那将是史诗般的。

have tried to google my way to it, and tried a bit with this: 尝试用谷歌搜索它,并尝试了一下:

TextLine =    FileText.ReadLine 'read line
If InStr(TextLine, "A1:") 

but that works only for one line and i cant seem to get it to work with several lines. 但这仅适用于一行,而我似乎无法使它适用于多行。 In addition it puts the output in cell F1, instead of A1. 此外,它将输出放在单元格F1中,而不是A1中。 think this is since each line in text document gets one cell - even if nothing is written to it. 认为这是因为文本文档中的每一行都有一个单元格-即使没有写入任何内容。

Replace the "Do While's" body with the following lines 用以下几行替换“ Do While's”主体

TextLine = FileText.ReadLine 'read line
If Not (Left(TextLine, 1) = "T" Or Left(TextLine, 1) = "-") Then
    TextLine = Trim(Mid(TextLine, InStr(TextLine, ":") + 1))
    If (TextLine <> "") Then
       cl.Offset(, j).Value = TextLine 'fill cell
       j = j + 1
    End If
End If

Here is a solution that fills one row in the Excel sheet per file, starting at row 2. You should manually fill in the titles in that first row as follows: 这是一个解决方案,它从第2行开始在每个文件的Excel工作表中填充一行。您应该按如下方式手动填写第一行中的标题:

From | Date | A1 | A2 | ... | A14

The lines that you are not interested in are skipped, and the values are put in the correct columns: 将跳过您不感兴趣的行,并将值放在正确的列中:

Sub ReadFilesIntoActiveSheet()
    Dim fso As FileSystemObject
    Dim folder As folder, file As file, FileText As TextStream
    Dim TextLine As String
    Dim cl As Range

    Dim num As Long ' numerical part of key, as in "Ann:"
    Dim col As Long ' target column in Excel sheet
    Dim key As String ' Part before ":"
    Dim value As String ' Part after ":"

    ' Get a FileSystem object
    Set fso = New FileSystemObject

    ' Get the directory you want
    Set folder = fso.GetFolder("D:\YourDirectory\")

    ' Set the starting point to write the data to
    ' Don't write in first row where titles are
    Set cl = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1)

    ' Loop thru all files in the folder
    For Each file In folder.Files
        ' Open the file
        Set FileText = file.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading)

        ' Read the file one line at a time
        Do While Not FileText.AtEndOfStream

            TextLine = FileText.ReadLine 'read line

            key = Split(TextLine & ":", ":")(0)
            value = Trim(Mid(TextLine, Len(key)+2))
            num = Val(Mid(key,2))
            If num Then key = Replace(key, num, "") ' Remove number from key
            col = 0
            If key = "From" Then col = 1
            If key = "Date" Then col = 2
            If key = "A"    Then col = 2 + num
            If col Then
                cl.Offset(, col-1).Value = value ' Fill cell
            End If

        ' Clean up
        ' Next row
        Set cl = cl.Offset(1) 
    Next file
End Sub

The above code will work well even if items are missing in your file, like if the line with "A12:" would not be present, this will leave the corresponding cell in the sheet empty, instead of putting the value of "A13:" there, causing a shift. 即使文件中缺少项目,上面的代码也可以很好地工作,例如,如果不存在带有“ A12:”的行,则将工作表中的相应单元格留空,而不是将值“ A13:”在那里,引起了转变。

Even if the order of the lines would change, and "From:" would appear after "Date:", this will not have a negative effect in the output. 即使行的顺序发生变化,并且“发件人:”将出现在“日期:”之后,这也不会对输出产生负面影响。 "From" values will always get into the first column, "Date" values in the second, etc. “ From”值将始终进入第一列,“ Date”值将进入第二列,依此类推。

Also, if your file would contain many other lines with differing formats, they will all be ignored. 同样,如果您的文件包含许多其他格式不同的行,则它们都将被忽略。

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