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$scope 变量即使在赋值后也未定义

[英]$scope variable undefined even after assignment

I have function in one of my Angular controllers and I'm having an issue with it.我的其中一个 Angular 控制器有功能,但我遇到了问题。

At the beginning of the function I try to check if a departure time as been provided, if one hasn't been provided, I assign the current time to it in a HH:mm:ss format.在函数开始时,我尝试检查是否提供了出发时间,如果没有提供,我会以 HH:mm:ss 格式为其分配当前时间。

However, when i try to check the value of $scope.selectedDepartureTime.departureTime even after assignment, it is still undefined.但是,当我尝试在赋值后检查 $scope.selectedDepartureTime.departureTime 的值时,它仍然是未定义的。 Why?为什么?

$scope.search = function () {
    if (!$scope.selectedDepartureTime.departureTime) {
        var time = new Date();

        var departureTime =
            ("0" + time.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" +
            ("0" + time.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ":" +
            ("0" + time.getSeconds()).slice(-2);

        //12:32:15 app.js:80

        $scope.selectedDepartureTime.departureTime =
        //undefined app.js:85

        method: 'GET',
        url: '/train-times/journey?departureStation='
        + $scope.selectedDepartureStation.stationName
        + '&destinationStation='
        + $scope.selectedDestinationStation.stationName
        + '&queryTime='
        + $scope.selectedDepartureTime.departureTime,
        data: {}
    }).success(function (result) {
        $scope.journeyResult = result;

        method: 'GET',
        url: '/train-times/departure-times?departureStation='
        + $scope.selectedDepartureStation.stationName
        + '&queryTime='
        + $scope.selectedDepartureTime.departureTime,
        data: {}
    }).success(function (result) {
        $scope.otherDepartureTimes = result;

Data is being submitted from a HTML form:正在从 HTML 表单提交数据:

<label for="departAfter">Depart after:</label>
<select id="departAfter"
   ng-options="time.departureTime for time in departureTimes"

To me, this seems like it should work - seems simple enough.对我来说,这似乎应该可行 - 似乎很简单。

Change undefined to {} .undefined更改为{}

<label for="departAfter">Depart after:</label>
<select id="departAfter"
   ng-options="time.departureTime for time in departureTimes"
   ng-init="selectedDepartureTime={}"> <!-- Change undefined to {}-->

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