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[英]How to remove a layer from a decorated item?

How could I remove items that have been added using the decorator design pattern? 如何删除使用装饰器设计模式添加的项目? And such things as remove the lowest/highest costing item or point to it? 诸如删除成本最低/成本最高的项目或指向该项目?

Say, for example, I had: 举例来说,我有:

class Beverage
    string description;
    double cost;
    virtual string getDescription() { return description; }
    virtual double cost() { return cost };

class Espresso : public Beverage
    string getDescription()
            return "Espresso";
    double cost()
        return 1.99;

class condimentDecorator : public Beverage
    virtual string getDescription() = 0;

class Whip : public condimentDecorator
    Beverage* beverage;
    Whip(Beverage* beverage)
        this->beverage = beverage;
    double cost()
        return beverage->cost() + 0.20;

class Milk : public condimentDecorator
    Beverage* beverage;
    Milk(Beverage* beverage)
        this->beverage = beverage;
    string getDescription()
        return beverage->getDescription() + ", Milk";

    double cost()
            return beverage->cost() + 0.10;

class Soy : public condimentDecorator
    Beverage* beverage;
    Soy(Beverage* beverage)
        this->beverage = beverage;
    string getDescription()
        return beverage->getDescription() + ", Soy";

    double cost()
            return beverage->cost() + 0.15;

And I were to do: 我要做的是:

Beverage* coffee = new Espresso();
coffee = new Whip(coffee);
coffee = new Milk(coffee);
coffee = new Soy(coffee);

How could I point to whip as the highest costing item and how could I remove it? 我该如何将鞭子列为成本最高的物品,如何删除它?

How could I locate with highest costing item without knowing which one it is?. 如何在不知道是哪一项的情况下找到成本最高的项目? How would I even know it has a whip in the first place, for example? 例如,我什至怎么会知道它有鞭子? Is there a way a checking what extras it has then removing highest costing item? 有没有一种方法可以检查它有什么额外功能,然后删除成本最高的项目?

You would need Beverage to implement a getBaseBeverage() method, returning itself, and condimentDecorators would need to override the method, returning beverage . 您将需要Beverage来实现getBaseBeverage()方法,并返回自身,而getBaseBeverage()将需要重写该方法,并返回beverage

Beverage *base = coffee->getBaseBeverage();
if (base != coffee) {
    double cost = coffee->cost() - base->cost();

That gets the cost of the last decorator. 那得到了最后一个装饰器的成本。 You could repeat the operation to get the cost of each previous decorator, perhaps in a loop, and record the largest decorator cost. 您可以重复该操作以循环获取每个先前装饰器的成本,并记录最大的装饰器成本。

Removing a decorator would require creating a new decorator chain that skips the item to be removed, linking instead to that item's getBaseBeverage(). 删除装饰器将需要创建一个新的装饰器链,以跳过要删除的项目,而是链接到该项目的getBaseBeverage()。

None of this is easy, without making large changes to the classes you gave. 如果不对您提供的类进行大的更改,这都不容易。 You could add a function to Beverage that returns the list of decorators. 您可以在饮料中添加一个返回装饰器列表的函数。 You could add a function to return the incremental cost of each decorator. 您可以添加一个函数来返回每个装饰器的增量成本。 You could even add a function to remove a particular decorator from the beverage. 您甚至可以添加一个功能来从饮料中删除特定的装饰器。 But then you have gone far beyond a "decorator" type pattern, to something entirely different. 但是,您已经远远超出了“装饰器”类型的模式,完全不同了。

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