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[英]Get the private ip address at a specific ethernet port in PHP

I have the PHP coe running on a server. 我有在服务器上运行的PHP Coe。 I want the IP address of the local system. 我想要本地系统的IP地址。 This question has been asked before - PHP how to get local IP of system 之前曾有人问过这个问题-PHP如何获取系统的本地IP

When I use any of the solutions mentioned in the above post, I can only get the hostname, not the IP address. 当我使用以上文章中提到的任何解决方案时,我只能获取主机名,而不能获取IP地址。

eg on my machine I have 例如在我的机器上

eth0: 为eth0:
eth1: 的eth1:

When I run the following code: 当我运行以下代码时:

$localIP = getHostByName(getHostName());

I only get the hostname - localvm . 我只得到主机名localvm I want 我要192.168.1.115

Can I get the private ip address? 我可以获取私人IP地址吗? more specifically can I get the IP address at a specific port? 更具体地说,我可以在特定端口获取IP地址吗?

You could get IP address of a specific network port in Linux with something like: 您可以通过以下方式获取Linux中特定网络端口的IP地址:

function getInterfaceIP($interface = 'eth0')
        $interfaceCommand = "/sbin/ifconfig " . $interface . " | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1 }'";
        $output = exec($interfaceCommand);

        return $output;

echo getInterfaceIP('eth0');

Note that command syntax may differ from OS to OS. 请注意,各操作系统的命令语法可能有所不同。 This example works for Linux. 此示例适用于Linux。 PHP doesn't have any built-in classes to do this. PHP没有任何内置类可以执行此操作。

You may want to add another command - getting a list of all network interfaces available ('ifconfig -s' provides those). 您可能想要添加另一个命令-获取所有可用网络接口的列表('ifconfig -s'提供了这些接口)。

The accepted answer is correct. 接受的答案是正确的。 However, if someone is working on AWS cloud or Openstack, he can make use of the cloud-init tools (already present) and use the magic IP to retrieve the local ip address as follows: 但是,如果有人正在使用AWS云或Openstack,则可以使用cloud-init工具(已经存在)并使用魔术IP来检索本地IP地址,如下所示:


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