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[英]Groovy script xml parser for multiple files

Hi my groovy script strips out an xml tag from a file and writes to a file. 嗨,我的groovy脚本从文件中剥离xml标记,然后写入文件。

 import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils
 import groovy.util.XmlSlurper

 inputFile = 'C:\\sample.xml'
 outputFile = 'C:\\ouput.txt'


 fileContents = new File(inputFile).getText('UTF-8')

 def xmlFile=new XmlSlurper().parseText(fileContents)

 def myPayload= new String(xmlFile.'**'.find{node-> node.name() ==    XMLTag}   *.text().toString())

 file = new File(outputFile)
 w = file.newWriter() 
 w << myPayload.substring(1, myPayload.length()-1)

My question is how do I write it so the it goes through an entire directory and performs it on multiple xml files and creates multiple output as at the moment it is hard coded. 我的问题是如何编写它,以便它经过整个目录并在多个xml文件上执行它,并在进行硬编码时创建多个输出。 ('C:\\sample.xml' and 'C:\\ouput.txt') (“ C:\\ sample.xml”和“ C:\\ ouput.txt”)

Thanks 谢谢

Leon 里昂

First, I would recommend that you take what you have and put it into a single function; 首先,我建议您将已有的东西放到一个函数中; it's good coding practrice and improves readabililty. 这是良好的编码实践,并提高了可读性。

Now to executing the function on each xml file in a directory, you can use groovy's File.eachFileMatch() . 现在要在目录中的每个xml文件上执行功能,可以使用groovy的File.eachFileMatch() For example, if you want to run it on each xml file in the current directory, you could do: 例如,如果要在当前目录中的每个xml文件上运行它,则可以执行以下操作:

import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils
import groovy.util.XmlSlurper
import static groovy.io.FileType.*

void stripTag(File inputFile, String outputFile) {
    def XMLTag='Details'

    fileContents = inputFile.getText('UTF-8')

    def xmlFile=new XmlSlurper().parseText(fileContents)

    def myPayload= new String(xmlFile.'**'.find{node-> node.name() == XMLTag}*.text().toString())

    def file = new File(outputFile)
    w = file.newWriter() 
    w << myPayload.substring(1, myPayload.length()-1)

// This will match all files in the current directory with the file extension .xml
new File(".").eachFileMatch(FILES, ~/.*\.xml/) { File input ->
    // Set the output file name to be <file_name>_out.txt
    // Change this as you need
    stripTag(input, input.name + "_out.txt")

If you want to, you can add reading in the directory from the command line as well. 如果需要,也可以从命令行在目录中添加阅读。

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