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[英]Transactional Replication does not replicate SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER

I have set up a one-to-one push trasactional replication with all articles copy properties set to TRUE .我已经设置了一对一推送事务复制,所有文章复制属性都设置为TRUE That's because I will need to back up the subscriber at some point with new data and restore as the primary database.那是因为我需要在某个时候用新数据备份订阅者并恢复为主数据库。

The setup is all fine except one schema issue: SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF is not transferred to subscriber when I compare the two databases on any of the articles (tables, views, etc).除了一个架构问题外,设置都很好:当我比较任何文章(表、视图等)上的两个数据库时, SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF不会转移到订阅者。 Is there a configuration that I am missing to have this corrected?是否有我缺少的配置来纠正这个问题?


This sounds like a documented bug with the Distribution agent replacing the square brackets around the name with quotes during replication.这听起来像是一个记录的错误,分发代理在复制期间用引号替换了名称周围的方括号。 As a result, the quoted identifier hint is dropped so it does not throw a syntax error near the name.结果,引用的标识符提示被删除,因此它不会在名称附近引发语法错误。 The documentation mostly refers to SProcs, but it may be worth investigating.文档主要是指 SProcs,但它可能值得研究。 Sources below:来源如下:

https://www.captechconsulting.com/blogs/sql-server-transactional-replication https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/278324 https://www.captechconsulting.com/blogs/sql-server-transactional-replication https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/278324

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