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[英]How to stop resetting a JavaScript timer while refreshing the page

I am doing an online examination page. 我正在做一个在线考试页面。 In this page I have a countdown timer that counts down by a value from the database. 在此页面中,我有一个倒数计时器,该倒数计时器通过数据库中的值进行倒计时。 It's working fine but when I refresh the page it resets. 它工作正常,但是当我刷新页面时它会重置。 I have to stop the timer from resetting. 我必须停止计时器重置。

Here is my JavaScript timer code: 这是我的JavaScript计时器代码:

<script type="text/javascript">
function CountDown(duration, display) {
    if (!isNaN(duration)) {
        var timer = duration, minutes, seconds;

        var interVal = setInterval(function () {
            minutes = parseInt(timer / 60, 10);
            seconds = parseInt(timer % 60, 10);

            minutes = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes;
            seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds;

            $(display).html("<b>" +"Time Remaining: "+ minutes + "m : " + seconds + "s" + "</b>");
            if (--timer < 0) {
                timer = duration;

function SubmitFunction(){

CountDown(<?php echo $t*30; ?>,$('#display')); //$t comes from database

function disable_f5(e) {
    if ((e.which || e.keyCode) == 116) {

    $(document).bind("keydown", disable_f5);

I just saw your question and am going to take a crack at it. 我刚刚看到了您的问题,并且打算解决这个问题。 One thing that I recommend is trying to commit the values to local storage. 我建议的一件事是尝试将值提交到本地存储。 You could add an event listener, have it specify to listen for a reload, and on that reload commit the integer value to local storage in JSON format. 您可以添加一个事件侦听器,让它指定侦听重载,然后在重载时将整数值以JSON格式提交给本地存储。 Just an idea. 只是一个主意。

If you are using a db already, what about adding a table or an extra field to an existing table that registers the datetime that the user commenced the examination and then on each page load - you can get the commencement time from the db, do some funky calculations and then display the remaining time. 如果您已经在使用数据库,那么向现有表中添加一个表或一个额外字段以注册用户开始检查的日期时间,然后在每次加载页面时-您可以从数据库中获取开始时间,请执行一些操作时髦的计算,然后显示剩余时间。

That way you are not relying on the calculation in browser keeping track (although I would probably try session storage for it as already suggested), but a constant start time that you can confidently calculate from. 这样,您就不必依赖浏览器中的跟踪记录了(尽管我可能已经建议过尝试使用会话存储),但是可以放心地计算出一个恒定的开始时间。

try this as an approach - note only skeleton of code listed to demonstrate approach. 尝试将其作为一种方法-仅注意列出的代码框架以演示该方法。 I would personally set the datetime in the db though. 我会亲自在数据库中设置日期时间。

//at commencement of exam
//js var commencementTime = (//calculation to get current time);

localStorage.setItem('commencementTime ',commencementTime );

//on page reload
var commencementTime= localStorage.getItem('commencementTime ');
    //code for calculating countdown}

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