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[英]Ruby variable seems to be nil but is not nil

I get the error undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass at the marked line. 我在标记的行undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass的错误undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass The logger shows that hash in not nil. 记录器显示该hash不为nil。 It seems I don't call this method on anyhing else in that line. 似乎我在那一行的其他任何地方都没有调用此方法。 What am I missing here? 我在这里想念什么?

def initialize(hash)
    Rails.logger.debug "Attr init hash: #{hash.inspect}, nil?: #{hash.nil?}"
    self.name = hash[:name] #error here
    self.type = hash[:type]
    self.default_value = hash[:default_value]
    self.original_name = if hash[:original_name]

This is the output of the logger: 这是记录器的输出:

Attr init asdasd: {:name=>"join_id.alma", :type=>"", :default_value=>"", :original_name=>nil}, nil?: false

You overrode initialize and therefore your ActiveRecord object wasn't initialized correctly. 您覆盖了initialize ,因此您的ActiveRecord对象未正确初始化。 The error is raised because self.name internally tried to update the instance's attributes hash and fails. 由于self.name内部尝试更新实例的attributes哈希而失败,因此引发了错误。

When you override the initialize method it makes sense to call super to run the default initialize method first: 当您覆盖initialize方法时,首先调用super来运行默认的initialize方法是有意义的:

def initialize(hash)
  super(hash.slice(:name, :type, :default_value))
  self.original_name = hash[original_name] || name

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