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Swift类指针为? 类协议?

[英]Swift Class Pointer as? Class Protocol?

I have a class, lets call it SomeClass. 我有一堂课,叫它SomeClass。 Instances of SomeClass have an optional pointer to SomeOtherClass. SomeClass的实例具有指向SomeOtherClass的可选指针。 In this way, instances of SomeClass can be instantiated, given a pointer to SomeOtherClass (or a subclass of SomeOtherClass), and then this pointer can be used to dynamically create instances of this SomeOtherClass belonging to SomeClass. 通过这种方式,可以实例化SomeClass的实例,并提供指向SomeOtherClass(或SomeOtherClass的子类)的指针,然后可以使用该指针动态创建属于SomeClass的SomeOtherClass的实例。 Eg; 例如;

class SomeClass {
    var classPointer: SomeOtherClass.Type?

class SomeOtherClass {

So far so good. 到现在为止还挺好。 Now, I have a protocol - lets call it SomeProtocol - that I want SomeOtherClass to conform to. 现在,我有了一个协议-让我们称之为SomeProtocol-我希望SomeOtherClass遵守该协议。 This protocol has class functions in it: 该协议具有类功能:

protocol SomeProtocol {
    static func someClassFunction()

extension SomeOtherClass : SomeProtocol {
    class func someClassFunction() {
        print("I am a class function being executed on SomeOtherClass")

As expected, I can then call this protocol class function on SomeOtherClass like so: 如预期的那样,然后可以在SomeOtherClass上调用此协议类函数,如下所示:

SomeOtherClass.someClassFunction() // Prints "I am a class function being executed on SomeOtherClass"

Here is the troublesome part. 这是麻烦的部分。 I want to dynamically determine if an instance of SomeClass' classPointer conforms to SomeProtocol, and if so execute the class function on it. 我想动态确定SomeClass的classPointer的实例是否符合SomeProtocol,如果是,则对它执行类函数。 So, I try to cast the pointer using as?: 因此,我尝试使用as强制转换指针:

// Create an instance of SomeClass and set it's classPointer to the SomeOtherClass class
let someInstance = SomeClass()
someInstance.classPointer = SomeOtherClass.self

// Check if the instance's classPointer class conforms to the SomeProtocol protocol
if let conformingClass = someInstance.classPointer as? SomeProtocol {
    // If so, execute the class function in SomeProtocol on the instance's classPointer
    conformingClass.someClassFunction() // Build fails "Static member someClassFunction cannot be used on instance of type SomeProtocol"

And the build fails with the error "Static member of someClassFunction cannot be used on instance of type SomeProtocol". 并且构建失败,并显示错误“无法在SomeProtocol类型的实例上使用someClassFunction的静态成员”。

Is there a way to accomplish what I'm attempting? 有什么方法可以完成我的尝试? Currently if this doesn't work I can only think of these alternatives (none are preferable and they're all rather hacky): 目前,如果这行不通,我只能想到这些替代方法(没有其他方法是可取的,它们都相当笨拙):

  1. Switch to objective c. 切换至目标c。
  2. Switch the protocol to use instance functions instead, then instantiate a temporary instance of SomeClass' classPointer and message it with any necessary functions, then release the instance. 将协议切换为使用实例函数,然后实例化SomeClass的classPointer的临时实例,并使用任何必要的函数向其发送消息,然后释放该实例。

For completeness, here is all of the code together that can be pasted into a Playground (it won't build due to the error I mentioned though): 为了完整起见,这是可以粘贴到Playground中的所有代码(由于我提到的错误而无法构建):

class SomeClass {
    var classPointer: SomeOtherClass.Type?

class SomeOtherClass {

protocol SomeProtocol {
    static func someClassFunction()

extension SomeOtherClass : SomeProtocol {
    class func someClassFunction() {
        print("I am a class function being executed on SomeOtherClass")

// Create an instance of SomeClass and set it's classPointer to the SomeOtherClass class
let someInstance = SomeClass()
someInstance.classPointer = SomeOtherClass.self

// Check if the instance's classPointer class conforms to the SomeProtocol protocol
if let conformingClass = someInstance.classPointer as? SomeProtocol {
    // If so, execute the class function in SomeProtocol on the instance's classPointer
    conformingClass.someClassFunction() // Build fails "Static member someClassFunction cannot be used on instance of type SomeProtocol"

Thanks for any help you can provide, - Adam 感谢您提供的任何帮助-亚当

Ahah! 啊啊! As usual, as soon as I make the SO post, I figure out the answer. 像往常一样,一旦我发表SO帖子,我便会找到答案。

For those wondering, you must cast the classPointer as the protocol's Type, not as the protocol itself. 对于那些好奇的人,必须将classPointer强制转换为协议的Type,而不是协议本身。 The line: 该行:

if let conformingClass = someInstance.classPointer as? SomeProtocol {

Needs to be changed to: 需要更改为:

if let conformingClass = someInstance.classPointer as? SomeProtocol.Type {

And you'll then be able to message conformingClass with the class functions declared in SomeProtocol. 然后,您将能够使用SomeProtocol中声明的类函数向conformingClass发送消息。 The complete working code is: 完整的工作代码为:

class SomeClass {
    var classPointer: SomeOtherClass.Type?

class SomeOtherClass {

protocol SomeProtocol {
    static func someClassFunction()

extension SomeOtherClass : SomeProtocol {
    class func someClassFunction() {
        print("I am a class function being executed on SomeOtherClass")

// Create an instance of SomeClass and set it's classPointer to the SomeOtherClass class
let someInstance = SomeClass()
someInstance.classPointer = SomeOtherClass.self

// Check if the instance's classPointer class conforms to the SomeProtocol protocol
if let conformingClass = someInstance.classPointer as? SomeProtocol.Type {
    // If so, execute the class function in SomeProtocol on the instance's classPointer

And it works :). 它有效:)。

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