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如何访问我的 WordPress CSS?

[英]How do I access my WordPress CSS ?

I am trying to edit the background color to my CSS header.我正在尝试编辑 CSS 标题的背景颜色。 I tried accessing my CSS folder and according to my Developer tools console the CSS file's path should be gcc/wp-content/themes/reconstruction/css/main.css我尝试访问我的 CSS 文件夹,根据我的开发者工具控制台,CSS 文件的路径应该是 gcc/wp-content/themes/reconstruction/css/main.css

I ran my FTP server, followed the path and added some new CSS rules to the main.css, But when i update and refresh server and view the website through a browser it does not update and keeps the previous design almost as if it's the wrong file path?我运行了我的 FTP 服务器,按照路径并在 main.css 中添加了一些新的 CSS 规则,但是当我更新和刷新服务器并通过浏览器查看网站时,它不会更新并保持以前的设计几乎好像它是错误的文件路径? I have tried clearing my cache on both browsers and that has not worked either.我试过在两个浏览器上清除我的缓存,但也没有奏效。

Here is the website where i am trying to change it's header www.greencalstateconstruction.com这是我试图更改其标题的网站 www.greencalstateconstruction.com

I am trying to change the .mainHeader area's css into this:我正在尝试将 .mainHeader 区域的 css 更改为:

.mainHeader {

background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(248, 237, 168), rgba(57, 204, 182, 0.74));
background-color: #ffefa7;

Any suggestions?有什么建议? Thank you very much for your help.非常感谢您的帮助。

When you want to edit the source files of your WordPress templates, make a child theme .当您要编辑 WordPress 模板的源文件时,请创建子主题 When you make modifications to your original theme, they will be overridden when you update the theme.当您对原始主题进行修改时,它们将在您更新主题时被覆盖。 Having a child theme keeps your modifications apart from the original theme.拥有子主题可以使您的修改与原始主题分开。

If you can't create a child theme, you can modify the source files directly from the WordPress admin.如果您无法创建子主题,则可以直接从 WordPress 管理员修改源文件。 Go into your admin panel, under the Appearance tab, you find the Editor section.进入您的管理面板,在“外观”选项卡下,您会找到“编辑器”部分。 Here you can edit the files directly from within the admin panel.在这里,您可以直接从管理面板中编辑文件。 Here you can edit all theme files.在这里您可以编辑所有主题文件。 Try to find the style.css file and place your modifications here.尝试找到 style.css 文件并将您的修改放在此处。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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