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[英]Adding Price Per Unit in Opportunity Product Dynamic CRM

We Have an issue in Adding a product to opportunity product form.From the outset it looks related to the currency field: When putting any value in for Price Per Unit - a red circle with a white x displays the message "A currency is required if a value exists in a money field. Select a Currency and Try again." 我们在将产品添加到机会产品表单时遇到问题。从一开始它就与货币字段有关:在为“每单位价格”输入任何值时-带白色x的红色圆圈显示消息“如果需要货币,货币字段中存在一个值。请选择一种货币,然后重试。” Actually the issue came when we are trying to navigate from Opportunity form to our Opportunity Product Form with the help of custom javascript. 实际上,当我们尝试在自定义javascript的帮助下从“机会”表单导航到“机会产品”表单时,问题就来了。 If we navigate to opportunity Product form as it was before by clicking subgrid of the Product items in Opportunity form. 如果我们通过单击“商机”表单中“产品”项的子网格来导航至商机“产品”表单,则将其恢复为以前的状态。 The error doesn't show. 错误不会显示。 Here is My error of the Price Per Unit field 这是我的“每单位价格”字段的错误

The kicker is that there is no currency on the 'product line items' form. 更重要的是,“产品订单项”表格上没有货币。 My first approach was to add the currency field so that we can manually enter it - this resulted in the currency field showing (but with a grey Lock icon) 我的第一种方法是添加货币字段,以便我们可以手动输入-这导致显示货币字段(但带有灰色的“锁定”图标)

Currency Field Added to Form 货币字段添加到窗体

Any help would be appreciated.... 任何帮助,将不胜感激....

Opportunity Products should be created from the subgrid on Opportunity. 商机产品应从商机子网格创建。 As you also noticed, this works. 您还注意到,这可行。

The reason for this is that the currency on the Opportunity Product is automatically set to the same currency as set on the Opportunity when you use the supported out-of-the-box way of creating Opportunity Products: 原因是当您使用支持的开箱即用的方式创建机会产品时,机会产品上的货币会自动设置为与机会上所使用的货币相同:

You simply press the plus-sign in the subgrid, choose Existing Product , and find the product. 您只需在子网格中按加号,选择现有产品 ,然后找到产品。 The Opportunity Product record is then automatically created, with pricing automatically populated from the Price List. 然后,将自动创建机会产品记录,并从价目表中自动填充价格。 There is thus no need to do any home built navigation with JavaScript, as you mention. 正如您提到的,因此无需使用JavaScript进行任何内置导航。

I had a similar issue: Updating Transaction Currency On Form Doesn't Update Custom Money Currency Symbol . 我有一个类似的问题: 在表单上更新交易货币不会更新自定义货币货币符号

I ended up defaulting the currency when I created the record, if you don't have that ability, you're welcome to try the unsupported js I give in my answer. 创建记录时,我最终默认货币为默认值,如果您没有该功能,欢迎尝试我在回答中提供的不受支持的js。

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