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Symfony - 应用程序在没有Apache服务器的情况下运行

[英]Symfony - Applications run without Apache server

I used to think that the internal web server which SYMFONY uses is part of APACHE server, which runs with the following command: 我以前认为SYMFONY使用的内部Web服务器是APACHE服务器的一部分,它使用以下命令运行:

$ php bin/console server:start

But as I turn off the Apache server on my PC (windows 10) the internal web server still producing without any problems, so is it that the internal web server has nothing to do with the Apache server or it's something unusual? 但是当我关闭我的PC上的Apache服务器(Windows 10)时,内部Web服务器仍然没有任何问题,因此内部Web服务器与Apache服务器无关或者它是不寻常的?

PHP provides a standalone built-in web server . PHP提供独立的内置Web服务器

You can try it by running php -S localhost:3000 -t web at the root directory of your project then browsing http://localhost:3000/app_dev.php . 您可以通过在项目的根目录下运行php -S localhost:3000 -t web然后浏览http://localhost:3000/app_dev.php来尝试它。

All commands that are part of the server:* namespace are related to the PHP built-in server . 作为server:* namespace的一部分的所有命令都与PHP内置服务器相关

For more informations, look at the command directly. 有关更多信息,请直接查看命令


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