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[英]Replace the words in a list with the position of each word

Sentence = input("type in sentence:").split()

The above stores the individual words in the input into a list.以上将输入中的单个单词存储到列表中。 But now how do I replace each word in Sentence with the position of that word?但是现在我如何用那个词的位置替换Sentence每个词?

Map the string to its index using the map and index function.使用 map 和 index 函数将字符串映射到其索引。

Sentence = str(input("Type in the sentence here:")).split(" ")
indexed_sentence = list(map(lambda x: Sentence.index(x), Sentence))

You may also do:你也可以这样做:

indexed_sentence = [Sentence.index(x) for x in Sentence]


indexed_sentence = []
for x in Sentence:


indexed_sentence = []
for x in Sentence:
    for count in range(len(Sentence)):
        if x == Sentence[count]:
            indexed_sentence.append(count + 1)


Sentence = [x for x in range(len(Sentence))]


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