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[英]Change template dynamically from view-model (Aurelia)

Is it possible to change which html-template is being used dynamically from the view-model? 是否可以从视图模型中动态更改哪个html模板?

Eg based on data downloaded from a server, I'd like to choose different templates (or some other logic in the view-model) 例如,基于从服务器下载的数据,我想选择不同的模板(或视图模型中的一些其他逻辑)

Update Based on the answer below suggesting getViewStrategy , here's a complete sample: 更新根据以下答案建议getViewStrategy ,这是一个完整的示例:

export class MultiView {
  gender : string

  getViewStrategy() {
      if(this.gender == 'boy')
          return './multi-view-blue.html'
          return './multi-view-pink.html'

  // when view is made visible (e.g. by using the router)
  activate() { 
      this.gender = Math.random()>0.5 ? "boy" : "girl"

If you want to do this on a single view model implement the getViewStrategy function. 如果要在单个视图模型上执行此操作,请实现getViewStrategy函数。

export class MyView{
        return 'my-other-view.html';        

Refer to the documentation under App Configuration and Startup , titled Configuring the View Location Convention . 请参阅“ 应用程序配置和启动 ”下的文档,标题为“ 配置视图位置约定” Here's and excerpt: 以下是摘录:

To do this, during bootstrap, import the ViewLocator and replace its convertOriginToViewUrl method with your own implementation. 为此,在引导期间,导入ViewLocator并将其convertOriginToViewUrl方法替换为您自己的实现。

It includes a code example you may follow as well. 它包括您可能遵循的代码示例。

As an alternative, you could look into the aurelia-compiler library module. 作为替代方案,您可以查看aurelia-compiler库模块。

NOTE : This library will be refactored and parts of it will be included into the core. 注意 :此库将被重构,其中的一部分将包含在核心中。 In the meantime it can still be used but please be aware of this breaking change. 与此同时,它仍然可以使用,但请注意这一重大变化。

It contains a function called swapView() that looks like it may do what you want. 它包含一个名为swapView()的函数,看起来它可以做你想要的。 An example of it being used is in the aurelia-dialog library module. 它的一个例子是在aurelia-dialog库模块中。 Hopefully you can glean some useful information from that and find a way to make it work. 希望您可以从中收集一些有用的信息,并找到一种方法使其工作。

Write a view-model that takes data from server and binding variables of class. 编写一个视图模型,从服务器和类的绑定变量中获取数据。

export class MyClass{
        this.red = false;
        this.green = false;
        this.yellow = false;
        this.serverValue = "";
    return this.bindingFunction();
       if(this.serverValue == 'red') { this.red = true; }
       else if(this.serverValue == 'green') { this.green = true; }
       else this.yellow = true;

Write the view as a whole, with show.bind, and bind those with view-model. 使用show.bind将视图作为一个整体编写,并使用view-model绑定它们。

        <div show.bind='red'> /* your elements */ </div>
        <div show.bind='green'> /* your elements */ </div>
        <div show.bind='yellow'> /* your elements */ </div>

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