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Django FormView继承

[英]Django FormView inheritance

I am new in python and django, please can someone explain me inheritance mechanizm in django/python class based views? 我是python和django的新手,有人可以在基于django / python类的视图中向我解释继承机制吗? Example is here: 示例在这里:

class FormViewA(FormView):
    form_class = MyFormClass
    template_name = 'mytemplate.html'

    def get_success_url(self):
        return reverse('my_url')
    def form_valid(self, form):
        print "in FormViewA"
        return super(FormViewA, self).form_valid(form)

class FormViewB(FormViewA):
    def form_valid(self, form):
        print "in FormViewB"
        return super(FormViewB, self).form_valid(form)

If I use FormViewB to create a form in my templates the code from form_valid from FormViewA still run and I see this output: 如果我使用FormViewB在模板中创建表单,则FormViewA form_valid的代码仍将运行,并且会看到以下输出:

in FormViewB
in FormViewA

Explain me please, what am I missing, why the code from overridden method still works here? 请向我解释,我想念什么,为什么覆盖方法中的代码在这里仍然有效? Is it overridden like in the c++? 是否像c ++中那样被覆盖? Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。

Because you are calling super() in FormViewB , which means the form_valid method of FormViewA . 因为你调用super()FormViewB ,这意味着form_valid的方法FormViewA If you don't want to see 'in FormViewA' you should either 如果您不想在'in FormViewA'看到,则应该

  1. Don't call super() at all: In this case, you must be sure that super does not include any crucial code you will require. 根本不要调用super() :在这种情况下,您必须确保super不包含所需的任何关键代码。 Because when you skip calling FormViewA.super() you are not calling FormView.super() either. 因为当您跳过调用FormViewA.super()您也不会调用FormView.super()

  2. Inherit directly from FormView . 直接从FormView继承。 If you have common code in both FormViewA and FormViewB , you can extract this code to another method. 如果FormViewAFormViewB都有通用代码,则可以将此代码提取到另一个方法中。

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