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[英]How to create singleton Object like a Angular1 Service?

I am wondering how can I create singleton object in Angular2, that will hold the value of some attributes throughout life of application - so that I can use it in many components, and inject it. 我想知道如何在Angular2中创建单例对象,该对象将在应用程序的整个生命周期中保持某些属性的值-以便可以在许多组件中使用它并注入它。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Thanks 谢谢

My attempt was to do: 我的尝试是:

provide(LocationStrategy, {useClass: HashLocationStrategy}),
provide(APP_BASE_HREF, {useValue: '/'}),Login])



export class Login {
    public  username: string = "any";
    constructor(private _http:Http, private _router:Router){


    public static login(username,password){
        var creds = 'username=' + username+'&password='+password;
        this._http.post('/authentication/login',creds,{headers: contentHeaders})
                success =>{
                    this.username = success.json().username;
                error =>{
                    console.log('Wrong creds')

    public getUsername(){
        return this.username;

In this case, getUsername() works, but this._http post does not - it throws an error: 在这种情况下,getUsername()有效,但是this._http帖子不起作用-它引发错误:

ORIGINAL EXCEPTION: TypeError: Cannot read property 'post' of undefined ORIGINAL STACKTRACE: 原始异常:TypeError:无法读取未定义原始堆栈的属性“ post”:

singleton pattern can be achieved through sharedService . 单例模式可以通过sharedService实现。 You have to inject it into bootstrap function like 您必须将其注入bootstrap功能,例如

bootstrap(AppComponent,[sharedService]); // 

I have read your updated question. 我已经阅读了您更新的问题。 Plunker which shares object like you want. 随心所欲共享对象的柱塞

Add the service to the providers list in 将服务添加到以下位置的提供者列表中

bootstrap(AppComponent, [OtherProviders, MySingletonService]);

(don't add MySingletonService anywhere else to providers . (不要将MySingletonService添加到providers其他任何位置。

Angular2 DI ensures that the same instance is injected everywhere. Angular2 DI确保将相同的实例注入到各处。

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