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[英]Find text node after a node with XPath

I am trying to use document.evaluate to find text nodes matching my query. 我正在尝试使用document.evaluate查找与我的查询匹配的文本节点。 The issue I found is that with the XPath I am using, it is not finding text nodes that follow another element. 我发现的问题是,使用的XPath找不到在另一个元素之后的文本节点。 For example, given these conditions ( jsFiddle ): 例如,鉴于以下条件( jsFiddle ):


<p>Test test <span>test</span> $100 test</p>

Javascript Java脚本

var item,
  indx = 0,
  items = document.evaluate('//*[contains(text(),"$")]', document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);

while (item = items.snapshotItem(indx++)) {
  if (item.nodeName !== 'SCRIPT') {

This XPath only finds the first $ , the second isn't found because of the <span> in the middle. 此XPath仅找到第一个$ ,由于中间的<span> ,因此找不到第二个。

So my question is how can I change the javascript (not the HTML) to find both matches? 所以我的问题是如何更改javascript(而不是HTML)以找到两个匹配项?


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