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[英]Combining varargs and generics for chained comparisons in Java

Here's a tough nut to crack. 这是一个难以克服的难题。 I have a clash between using varargs and generics together. 我在一起使用varargs和泛型之间有冲突。 Following given code: 以下给出的代码:

public class MyObject implements Comparable<MyObject>
    private String name;
    private int index;

    public int compareTo(MyObject o)
        if (name.compareTo(o.name) != 0)
            return name.compareTo(o.name);
        return ((Integer) index).compareTo(o.index);

I want the compareTo method to use more than one compare condition. 我希望compareTo方法使用多个比较条件。 If the strings are the same then use the ints instead. 如果字符串相同,则使用整数。 Usual situation I would say. 我会说通常的情况。
I would love to create a static method to handle this in general. 我很想创建一个静态方法来处理这个问题。 And I want the new method chainedCompare to be called like this: 我希望这样调用新方法chainedCompare

public int compareTo(MyObject o)
    return chainedCompare(this, o, myO -> myO.name, myO -> myO.index);

The lambdas are varargs of the Java 8 interface Function. lambda是Java 8接口Function的varargs。 So first I wrote the method like that: 所以首先我写了这样的方法:

public static <T, C extends Comparable<C>> int chainedCompare(T object1, T object2, Function<T, C>... comparisons)
    int compareValue = 0;
    for (Function<T, C> comparison : comparisons)
        compareValue = comparison.apply(object1).compareTo(comparison.apply(object2));
        if (compareValue != 0)
    return compareValue;

But I didn't consider that in this case the generic type C must be the same type for all Function<T, C> comparisons in the varargs array. 但是我不认为在这种情况下,泛型C对于varargs数组中的所有Function<T, C>比较必须是相同的类型。 As you can see above, I want to use different Comparables (like String and Integer in the example). 从上面可以看到,我想使用不同的Comparables(例如示例中的String和Integer)。
Then I modified it to this version: 然后我将其修改为以下版本:

public static <T> int chainedCompare(T object1, T object2, Function<T, ? extends Comparable<?>>... comparisons)
    int compareValue = 0;
    for (Function<T, ? extends Comparable<?>> comparison : comparisons)
        compareValue = comparison.apply(object1).compareTo(comparison.apply(object2));
        if (compareValue != 0)
    return compareValue;

Type C is here replaced with wildcards. C型在这里被替换为通配符。 While the method call would work now, the method itself does not compile, because of the wildcard typed parameter of compareTo . 尽管该方法调用现在可以正常工作,但是由于compareTo的通配符类型参数,该方法本身无法编译。

So on the one hand I need a fixed generic type (extends Comparable) for the Function interface, but on the other hand I need Function interfaces of different (second) generic types where you usually could set a wildcard. 因此,一方面我需要一个固定的泛型类型(扩展Comparable)作为Function接口,但是另一方面,我需要具有不同(第二种)泛型类型的Function接口,通常可以设置通配符。 How to resolve this? 如何解决呢?
My only requirement is that I can call the static method as simple as shown with an undefined number of comparison conditions. 我唯一的要求是,我可以像显示的未定义数量的比较条件一样简单地调用静态方法。

Based on the suggestions of Tunaki I was able to modify the method as follows which can be used like desired: 根据Tunaki的建议,我可以对方法进行如下修改,可以按需使用:

public static <T> int chainedCompare(T object1, T object2, Function<T, ? extends Comparable>... comparisons)
    return Arrays.stream(comparisons)
        .map(c -> c.compare(object1, object2))

public int compareTo(MyObject o)
    return chainedCompare(this, o, myO -> myO.name, myO -> myO.index);

Instead of using a Comparable , it would be easier to use a Comparator : 与其使用ComparableComparable使用Comparator

public static <T> int chainedCompare(T object1, T object2, Comparator<T>... comparators) {
    int compareValue = 0;
    for (Comparator<? super T> comparator : comparators) {
        compareValue = comparator.compare(object1, object2);
        if (compareValue != 0)
    return compareValue;

You could also chain all the comparator together using thenComparing and have 您还可以使用thenComparing所有比较器链接在一起,并具有

public static <T> int chainedCompare(T object1, T object2, Comparator<T>... comparators) {
    return Arrays.stream(comparators)
                 .map(c -> c.compare(object1, object2))

Then you can use that by constructing Comparator objects with comparing(keyExtractor) or the primitive specialization comparingInt . 然后你就可以使用通过构建Comparator与对象comparing(keyExtractor)或原始专业化comparingInt

public int compareTo(MyObject o) {
    return chainedCompare(this, o,
             Comparator.comparing(obj -> obj.name),
             Comparator.comparingInt(obj -> obj.index)

With this approach, you can even question the existence of such utility and simply have 使用这种方法,您甚至可以质疑这种实用程序的存在,并且只需

public int compareTo(MyObject o) {
    return Comparator.<MyObject, String> comparing(obj -> obj.name)
                     .thenComparingInt(obj -> obj.index)
                     .compare(this, o);

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