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[英]Inline JavaScript transition from negative position overridden by CSS style

I have a fiddle that has two small boxes inside a larger box . 我的小提琴在一个大盒子里有两个小盒子

When either of the buttons "Run B" or "Run C" is clicked, the corresponding box is run through a CSS transition, effected via JavaScript. 单击“运行B”或“运行C”按钮中的任意一个时,将通过CSS转换(通过JavaScript进行转换)运行相应的框。 The code is reproduced here with comments: 该代码在此处带有注释:

  // Get the specified box
  var element = document.getElementById(id);

  // Save initial style for resetting
  var initial = element.style.cssText;

  // Initialise transition
  element.style.position = 'relative';
  element.style.transition = 'top 800ms ease';

  // Set start position
  element.style.top = '-50px';

  // Effect the transition in the next cycle
  // by setting the end position

    element.style.top = '15px';

  }, 25);

// Reset the style on completion

    element.style.cssText = initial;
}, 800);

You should be able to observe that each transition is quite different. 您应该能够观察到每个过渡都完全不同。 However, the only difference between the two boxes is the CSS property top: 0 set in the stylesheet. 但是,这两个框之间的唯一区别是CSS属性top: 0在样式表中设置为top: 0

Can someone please explain why the transitions are different? 有人可以解释一下为什么过渡不同吗?

Since the style for the element is set inline, I would have expected that to override the CSS style, but that is not happening. 由于该元素的样式是内联设置的,所以我希望可以覆盖CSS样式,但是这没有发生。 Why does the top: 0 have any impact at all? 为什么top: 0根本没有影响?

I'll do my best to explain: You are setting the top to -50px and then you have a setTimeout which sets it to 15px ; 我将尽力解释:您将顶部设置为-50px ,然后有一个setTimeout其设置为15px

Since #b have a starting position of 0px , it will start animating to -50px but after 25 mllis it will get a new position of 15px and it will animate there instead (you can see that if you give the first setTimeout a longer time like 100). 由于#b的起始位置为0px ,它将开始设置动画为-50px但是在25 mllis之后,它将获得15px的新位置,并且将在此处进行动画处理(您可以看到,如果给第一个setTimeout更长的时间,例如100)。 Since 25 millis is very short, it looks like it immediately starts to go down. 由于25毫秒非常短,因此看起来立即开始下降。

Since #c does not have a starting position, when you set it to -50 you actually give it a starting position and then it animates from -50 to 15px; 由于#c没有起始位置,因此当您将其设置为-50 ,实际上是给它一个起始位置,然后将其动画设置为-50至15px;

I hope I've managed to clarify it :) 我希望我已经设法弄清楚了:)

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