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[英]Django deployed app/project can't write to a file

I am working on a Django based application whose location on my disk is home/user/Documents/project/application . 我正在使用基于Django的应用程序,该应用程序在磁盘上的位置为home/user/Documents/project/application Now this application takes in some values from the user and writes them into a file located in a folder which is under the project directory ie home/user/Documents/project/folder/file . 现在,这个应用程序需要从用户一些值,并将其写入到file位于在folder这是在project目录即home/user/Documents/project/folder/file While running the development server using the command python manage.py runserver everything worked fine, however after deployment the application/views.py which accesses the file via open('folder/path','w') is not able to access it anymore, because by default it looks in var/www folder when deployed via apache2 server using mod_wsgi . 使用python manage.py runserver命令运行开发服务器时,一切正常,但是在部署之后,通过open('folder/path','w')访问fileapplication/views.py无法再访问它,因为默认情况下,当使用mod_wsgi通过apache2服务器进行部署时,它会在var/www文件夹中查找。

Now, I am not putting the folder into /var/www because it is not a good practise to put any python code there as it might become readable clients which is a major security threat. 现在,我不会将folder放入/var/www因为在其中放置任何python代码不是一个好习惯,因为它可能会变成可读的客户端,这是一个主要的安全威胁。 Please let me know, how can I point the deployed application to read and write to correct file. 请让我知道,我如何指向已部署的应用程序以读取和写入正确的文件。

The real solution is to install your data files in /srv/data/myapp or some such so that you can give the webserver user correct permissions to only those directories. 真正的解决方案是将数据文件安装在/srv/data/myapp或类似文件中,以便您可以仅向Web服务器用户授予对这些目录的正确权限。 Whether you choose to put your code in /var/www or not, is a separate question, but I would suggest putting at least your wsgi file there (and, of course, specifying your <DocumentRoot..> correctly. 是否选择将代码放在/var/www是一个单独的问题,但是我建议至少将wsgi文件放在其中(当然,正确地指定<DocumentRoot..>

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