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[英]AVPlayerViewController - UIButton not triggering video

I am using AVPlayerViewController in order to play a .mov file (TeethingFinal.mov) in my project. 我正在使用AVPlayerViewController来在项目中播放.mov文件(TeethingFinal.mov)。 The funny thing is, I have the feature working perfectly with two other buttons on the same ViewController but for some reason will not launch the AVPlayer! 有趣的是,我具有与同一ViewController上的其他两个按钮完美配合的功能,但由于某种原因无法启动AVPlayer! The tap gesture is being recognized, because I can see the button highlight when pressed but nothing happens. 正在识别轻击手势,因为按下后我可以看到按钮高亮显示,但什么也没发生。 I would post error message but there is not one! 我会发布错误消息,但没有一个!

     @IBAction func sugarBugPlay(sender: UIButton) {
        let moviePlayerController = AVPlayerViewController()
        let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("TeethingFinal", ofType:"mov")
        let url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(path!)
        let playerVC = AVPlayerViewController()
        var player: AVPlayer = AVPlayer()
        playerVC.player = AVPlayer(URL: url)
        self.presentViewController(playerVC, animated: true, completion: nil)


So sometimes Xcode is funny. 因此,有时Xcode很有趣。 I created a completely new ViewController the exact same way and reattached all of my outlets and it worked! 我以完全相同的方式创建了一个全新的ViewController,然后重新连接了所有的插座,并且一切正常!

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