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[英]javasound minim processing

I dont understand this problem and why its like this, can anyone help me out? 我不明白这个问题,为什么会这样,有人可以帮助我吗?

==== JavaSound Minim Error ====
==== Don't know the ID3 code TXXX

==== JavaSound Minim Error ====
==== Don't know the ID3 code TXXX

==== JavaSound Minim Error ====
==== Don't know the ID3 code TXXX

==== JavaSound Minim Error ====
==== Don't know the ID3 code TDEN

==== JavaSound Minim Error ====
==== Don't know the ID3 code TSSE

is it because im running processing 3.02? 是因为我正在运行处理3.02吗?

import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.effects.*;
import ddf.minim.signals.*;
import ddf.minim.spi.*;
import ddf.minim.ugens.*;

Minim minim;
AudioPlayer player;

void setup(){
  minim = new Minim(this);
  player = minim.loadFile("deadmau5.mp3");

Those aren't errors. 这些不是错误。 Those are simply warnings telling you that minim can't find the ID3 tags, so it can't figure out things like the artist or track name. 这些只是警告,告诉您minim找不到ID3标签,因此无法弄清楚艺术家或曲目名称。 These don't matter if all you want to do is play the track. 如果您只想播放曲目,这些都没有关系。 You can ignore these warnings. 您可以忽略这些警告。

The reason you aren't hearing anything is because minim requires a draw() function. 您什么都没听到的原因是因为minim需要draw()函数。 So add a draw() function to your sketch (it can even be empty), and you're all set. 因此,在您的草图上添加一个draw()函数(它甚至可以为空),一切就绪。

I've tried your code (with an added empty draw() function), and it works fine in Processing 3.0.2. 我已经尝试了您的代码(添加了一个空的draw()函数),并且在Processing 3.0.2中运行良好。 If you're still having trouble, make sure the track is in the data folder in your sketch directory. 如果仍然有问题,请确保轨迹位于草图目录的data文件夹中。

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