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[英]Append to XML document JAXB

I have used JAXB to create an XML file like this: 我已经使用JAXB来创建这样的XML文件:




        <amountOwed>500 Galleons</amountOwed>






        <state>some state</state>




I would like to use JAXB to append to this file like this: 我想使用JAXB附加到此文件,如下所示:




        <amountOwed>500 Galleons</amountOwed>






        <state>some state</state>





        <amountOwed>123412362 Galleons</amountOwed>






        <state>some state</state>




I know XML is not a good fit for logging data, but I must use it for my project. 我知道XML不适合记录数据,但是我必须在项目中使用XML。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

assuming the following class exists 假设存在以下类别

public class Persons{

List<Person> person;

...getters and setters


public class Person{
...fields, getters and setters...

first you unmarshal the origin xml 首先,您将原XML解组

JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(Persons.class);

        Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();

        File f = new File("the original xml");
        JAXBElement<Persons> personsElement = (JAXBElement<Persons>) unmarshaller.unmarshal(f);

and then you get the persons object 然后你得到人对象

Persons persons = personsElement.getValue();

and then. 接着。 put the object that you want to append 放置您要附加的对象

Person newPerson = new Person();

... put values into newPerson


last, you marshal it 最后,您将其编组

Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller();

        marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
        marshaller.marshal(personsElement, the output Stream to your file);

You can also find a lot of example in oracle's tutorial 您也可以在oracle的教程中找到很多示例

https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/5/tutorial/doc/bnbah.html https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/5/tutorial/doc/bnbah.html

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