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[英]Recoding data.table values in a loop using a vector of column names

I have a large data table that contains some categorical variables, where missing values have been coded as blank strings. 我有一个包含一些分类变量的大数据表,其中缺失值已编码为空白字符串。 I would like to recode them to NA. 我想将它们重新编码为NA。

I have a vector storing the names of the categorical variables: 我有一个存储分类变量名称的向量:

categorical_variables = c("v3", etc.

The vector is definitely set up correctly - I have successfully used it to loop through plots of each column. 向量肯定设置正确-我已经成功地使用它遍历了每一列的图。 However when I try to recode using this... 但是,当我尝试使用此代码进行重新编码时...

for (v in categorical_variables) myDataTable[get(v)=="",get(v):=NA]

...I get the following error: ...我收到以下错误:

 Error in get(v) : object 'v3' not found

Yet this works OK: 但这行得通:


And this also works OK: 这也可以正常工作:


So it's when I try to do the assignment using get() combined with := it throws up the error. 因此,当我尝试使用get()与:=结合进行赋值时,会引发错误。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

The data.table is very large (hence my preference for using data.table), so ideally I don't want to convert to data.frame and use a base R approach. data.table非常大(因此,我偏爱使用data.table),因此理想情况下,我不想转换为data.frame并使用基本R方法。 I feel like this should be a very straightforward procedure in data.table, but I've really struggled to find anything conclusive in the documentation, on Google, or on here! 我觉得这在data.table中应该是一个非常简单的过程,但是我真的很难在文档,Google或此处找到任何结论性的东西! Is this a bug or am I missing something obvious? 这是一个错误还是我遗漏了一些明显的东西?

We can use set . 我们可以使用set According to ?set , it is very fast as the overhead of [.data.table is avoided 根据?set ,它非常快,因为避免了[.data.table的开销

for (v in categorical_variables){
   set(myDataTable, i=which(myDataTable[[v]]==""), j=v, value=NA)

However, this can be avoided while reading itself, as fread has the na.strings option (just like read.csv/read.table ). 但是,在读取自身时可以避免这种情况,因为fread具有na.strings选项(就像read.csv/read.table )。 We can specify the characters that needs to be read as NA ie if we have "" and $ to read as NA , 我们可以将需要读取的字符指定为NA,即如果我们有""$来读取为NA

myDataTable <- fread("yourfile.csv", na.strings=c("", "$"))

data 数据

myDataTable <- data.table(v3=c(letters[1:3], ''), 
        v5 = 1:4, v7 = c('', '', letters[1:2]))

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