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带有 python / re.match 的正则表达式不起作用

[英]regex with python / re.match doesn't work

I've got stringText like that我有这样的 stringText

sText ="""<firstName name="hello morning" id="2342"/>
<mainDescription description="cooking food blog 5 years"/>
<special description="G10X, U16X, U17X, G26X, C32X, G34X, G37X, U39X, C40X, G46X,C49X, U54X, U55X, A58X"/> 

I'd like receive:我想收到:

cooking food blog 5 years烹饪美食博客 5 年

I tried many different regex我尝试了许多不同的正则表达式


p = re.compile('<mainDescription description=\"([^\"]+)\"\/>')
print re.match(p, sText)


p = re.compile(ur'<mainDescription description="([^"]+)"\/>')

and using (.+) according regex101.com my regex should work correctly, but it doesn't.并根据regex101.com使用 (.+) 我的正则表达式应该可以正常工作,但事实并非如此。 I have no idea why我不知道为什么

Try use findall():尝试使用 findall():

print re.findall('<mainDescription description=\"([^\"]+)\"\/>', sText)


['cooking food blog 5 years']

Seems like it's because you're using re.match() instead of re.search() .似乎是因为您使用的是re.match()而不是re.search() re.match() Searches from the start of the string while re.search() searches anywhere. re.match()从字符串的开头搜索,而re.search()搜索任何地方。 This works:这有效:

sText ="""<firstName name="hello morning" id="2342"/>
<mainDescription description="cooking food blog 5 years"/>
<special description="G10X, U16X, U17X, G26X, C32X, G34X, G37X, U39X, C40X, G46X,C49X, U54X, U55X, A58X"/> 
p = re.compile('<mainDescription description=\"([^\"]+)\"\/>')
print re.search(p, sText).group(1)

By the way, you do not need to escape the quotation marks ( " ) if you're using ' meaning this is enough:顺便说一句,如果您使用' ,则不需要转义引号 ( " ),这意味着这就足够了:

re.search('<mainDescription description="([^"]+)"/>', sText)

re.match returns a match object, from which you need to retrieve the desired group. re.match返回一个match对象,您需要从中检索所需的组。

sText ="""<firstName name="hello morning" id="2342"/>
<mainDescription description="cooking food blog 5 years"/>
<special description="G10X, U16X, U17X, G26X, C32X, G34X, G37X, U39X, C40X, G46X,C49X, U54X, U55X, A58X"/> 
r = re.compile("""<mainDescription description="(?P<description>[^"]+)"\/>""")
m = r.match(sText)
print m.group('description')

Note that it's also possible to access the group using the index (0 in this case) but I prefer to specify a keyword.请注意,也可以使用索引(在本例中为 0)访问组,但我更喜欢指定关键字。

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