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[英]how to take a specific child node value in xml using C#

I have an xml schema like below 我有一个如下的xml模式


Now if the id is 20 i need to take the value of tag <num> under <read> 现在,如果id20我需要在<read>下获取标记<num>的值

I done the code as below 我完成了如下代码

 var xmlStr = File.ReadAllText("e_test.xml");
 var str = XElement.Parse(xmlStr);
 var result = str.Elements("book").Where(x => x.Element("id").Value.Equals("20")).ToList();

this give the whole <book> tag with id 20 . 这将给出ID为20的整个<book>标签。 From this how can I extract only the value of tag <num> . 从中我如何仅提取标记<num>的值。

ie is i need to get the value 32 in to a variable 即我是否需要将值32放入变量

Before you try to extract the num value, you need to fix your Where clause - at the moment you're comparing a string with an integer. 在尝试提取num值之前,需要修复Where子句-目前正在将字符串与整数进行比较。 The simplest fix - if you know that your XML will always have an id element which has a textual value which is an integer - is to cast the element to int . 最简单的解决方法是将元素转换为int ,如果您知道您的XML将始终具有一个id元素,该id元素的文本值为整数。

Next, I'd use SingleOrDefault to make sure there's at most one such element, assuming that's what your XML document should have. 接下来,我将使用SingleOrDefault来确保最多有一个这样的元素,假设这就是您的XML文档应该具有的元素。

Then you just need to use Element twice to navigate down via read and then num , and cast the result to int again: 然后,您只需要使用Element两次,就可以先通过read然后通过num向下导航,并将结果再次转换为int

// Or use XDocument doc = ...; XElement book = doc.Root.Elements("book")...
XElement root = XElement.Load("e_test.xml")
XElement book = root.Elements("book")
                    .Where(x => (int) x.Element("id") == 20)
if (book == null)
    // No book with that ID
int num = (int) book.Element("read").Element("num");

If you're not dead set on using Linq, how about this XPath? 如果您还不习惯使用Linq,那么该XPath呢? XPath is probably more widely understood, and is really simple. XPath可能被更广泛地理解,并且确实很简单。 The XPath to find your node would be: 查找节点的XPath将是:


Which you could use in C# thus: 您可以在C#中使用以下代码:

var doc = new XmlDocument();
var id = 20;
var myPath = "/library/book[id=" + id + "]/read/num";

var myNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(myPath);

Then you can do whatever you like with myNode to get its value etc.. 然后,您可以使用myNode进行任何myNode以获取其值,等等。

Helpful reference: 有用的参考资料:

http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/xpath_syntax.asp http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/xpath_syntax.asp

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