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[英]How Can I use switch statement instead of too many else if

Hello please help me out in writing switch statement for the below else if statement 您好,请为下面的其他if语句编写switch语句来帮助我

if(ClientAddressTextBox.Text == "")

                MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Client Address");
                this.ActiveControl = ClientAddressTextBox;

            else if (InnerpathTextBox.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Internal Path");
                this.ActiveControl = InnerpathTextBox;

            else if (InspectorIDTextBox.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Inspector ID");
                this.ActiveControl = InspectorIDTextBox;

            else if (SerialNumberTextBox.Text == "")

                MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Serial Number");
                this.ActiveControl = SerialNumberTextBox;

You could do something like this: 您可以执行以下操作:

var controls = new []
    new {Ctrl = InnerpathTextBox,     Error = "Please Enter Client Address"},
    new {Ctrl = ClientAddressTextBox, Error = "Please Enter Internal Path"},
    new {Ctrl = InspectorIDTextBox,   Error = "Please Enter Inspector ID"},
    new {Ctrl = SerialNumberTextBox,  Error = "Please Enter Serial Number"}

var firstToFailValidation = controls.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Ctrl.Text == "");

if (firstToFailValidation != null)
    this.ActiveControl = firstToFailValidation.Ctrl;

You might want to check for nulls though. 您可能需要检查是否为空。 This code assumes that none of the controls or the .Text properties are null. 此代码假定所有控件或.Text属性都不为空。

I'd approach this as follows: 我会这样处理:

var validationMessages = new[]{new{Control = InnerpathTextBox, 
                                   Message = "Please Enter Internal Path"},
                               new{Control = InspectorIDTextBox, 
                                   Message = "Please Enter Inspector Id"},
foreach(var vm in validationMessages)
        this.ActiveControl = vm.Control;

You can use Something like this: 您可以这样使用:

private bool IfTextBoxEmpty(string text, string message, Control control)
        if (text == "")
            this.ActiveControl = control;
            return true;
        return false;

And the Usage: 用法:

if (!IfTextBoxEmpty(ClientAddressTextBox.Text, "Please Enter Client Address", ClientAddressTextBox)
            //if not - Do Something

This is a pseudo code for a switch statement. 这是switch语句的伪代码。

string statement;
    case (ClientAddressTextBox.Text == ""):
    MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Client Address");
    this.ActiveControl = ClientAddressTextBox; 

    case (InnerpathTextBox.Text == ""):

and so on. 等等。

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