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如何更新PrimeFaces dataTable上的特定单元格

[英]How to update a specific cell on a PrimeFaces dataTable

In my dataTable I am linking each article with a specific task. 在我的dataTable我将每篇文章与特定任务相关联。

On the click of a commandButton a list of tasks shows up, so I want on the select of a task, update a specific cell in the dataTable ( outputText with id="columnTache" ) without updating the rest of my dataTable . 在单击commandButton显示一个任务列表,所以我想选择一个任务,更新dataTable的特定单元dataTableoutputTextid="columnTache" ),而不更新我的dataTable的其余部分。

<p:dataTable value="#{myController.articleList}" 
             rowKey="#{article.id}"  >
    <p:column headerText="quantite" >
        <pe:inputNumber value="#{article.quantite}" />
    <p:column headerText="taches" >     
        <h:outputText value="#{article.tache.libelleTache}" id="columnTache" />
    <p:column headerText="taches"  >
        <p:commandButton  oncomplete="PF('dialogTasks').show();" update=":formSelectAffecterTache">
            <p:ajax event="click" listener="#{myController.setArticle(article)}" />

<p:dialog header="#{bundleTech.lbl_taches}" widgetVar="dialogTasks" >     
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" >
        <h:form id="formSelectAffecterTache">
            <ui:include src="/pages/listTacheSelect.xhtml">
                <ui:param name="bean" value="#{myController}" />
                <ui:param name="action" value="affecterTache" /> 

The update of my dataTable is in the managed bean: 我的dataTable的更新在托管bean中:

public void affecterTache() {

A dataTable is a naming container, so components within it will be prepended with the dataTable 's id . dataTable是一个命名容器,因此其中的组件将以dataTableid为前缀。 Also, each iteration of data presented in the table (each row) will have effect of the generated id s. 此外,表(每行)中呈现的每次数据迭代都将影响生成的id Since a form is also a naming container, your outputText component id s will be generated as formId:tabArticle:0:columnTache in the first row, formId:tabArticle:0:columnTache in the second row, etc. 由于表单也是命名容器,因此您的outputText组件id将生成为formId:tabArticle:0:columnTache第一行中的formId:tabArticle:0:columnTacheformId:tabArticle:0:columnTache第二行中的formId:tabArticle:0:columnTache等。

If you would set an id on your commandButton you will get formId:tabArticle:0:myButton , formId:tabArticle:1:myButton etc. You can use this id in your click handler to create the corresponding inputText clientId . 如果你要在commandButton上设置一个id ,你将获得formId:tabArticle:0:myButtonformId:tabArticle:1:myButton等。你可以在你的点击处理程序中使用这个id来创建相应的inputText clientId But, since you pass article to a method, you are not able to check which button was clicked. 但是,由于您将article传递给方法,因此您无法检查单击了哪个按钮。 So first of all change the click listeners method to: 首先,将click侦听器方法更改为:

public void useArticle(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
    UIComponent component = event.getComponent();

Now, you know which button was clicked ( event.getComponent() ), but you need your article as well. 现在,您知道单击了哪个按钮( event.getComponent() ),但您也需要您的article You can set that as an attribute to your button in XHTML: 您可以将其设置为XHTML中按钮的属性:

<p:commandButton id="myButton"
    <p:ajax event="click"
            listener="#{myController.useArticle}" />
    <f:attribute name="article"
                 value="#{article}" />

This attribute can be read in your listener: 可以在侦听器中读取此属性:

Article article = (Article) component.getAttributes().get("article");

Now, for updating the inputText , simply use the button's clientId : 现在,要更新inputText ,只需使用按钮的clientId

String update = component.getClientId().replace(":myButton", ":columnTache");

Store it in your bean, and when you are ready to do so, update: 将它存储在bean中,当您准备好这样做时,请更新:


See also: 也可以看看:

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