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从压缩的开源 GitHub 下载编译 Xcode 项目

[英]Compiling Xcode project from zipped open-source GitHub download

Possibly basic question but I'm not sure where to begin for an answer.可能是基本问题,但我不确定从哪里开始回答。 I am very much a newbie to Xcode, Cocoa, Swift and Objective-C.我是 Xcode、Cocoa、Swift 和 Objective-C 的新手。

I'm interested in developing an open-source Markdown editor for the Mac that will build from existing open-source code.我有兴趣为 Mac 开发一个开源 Markdown 编辑器,该编辑器将从现有的开源代码构建。 I have gone to GitHub to download the source code for two existing projects, MacDown and WriteDown!我去GitHub下载了两个现有项目的源代码, MacDownWriteDown! For both projects I download the project .zip file (and am happy that the button to do so is now easily available ), and extract the .zip file's contents on my hard drive.对于这两个项目,我都下载了项目 .zip 文件(很高兴现在可以轻松获得执行此操作的按钮),并将 .zip 文件的内容解压缩到我的硬盘驱动器上。 In each project there is an .xcodeproj file which I open up in Xcode... and I see tons of errors, mostly because of things that are missing, so I cannot build and run them.在每个项目中,都有一个我在 Xcode 中打开的 .xcodeproj 文件......我看到了大量错误,主要是因为缺少一些东西,所以我无法构建和运行它们。

With WriteDown I see "missing base SDK" (and get a corresponding error when I try to run it), and many other files missing (frameworks, products, and "pods").使用 WriteDown,我看到“缺少基础 SDK”(并在我尝试运行它时收到相应的错误),并且缺少许多其他文件(框架、产品和“pod”)。 With MacDown I get a lot of errors mentioning missing pod files.使用 MacDown,我收到很多错误,提到缺少 pod 文件。

If it were just the one project that gave me errors I would assume this was something specific to that project, but since they're both giving me errors it sure seems like I'm doing something wrong in general.如果只是一个项目,给了我错误,我会认为这是一些特定于该项目,但由于他们都是给我的错误它肯定好像我做的东西一般是错误的。 Should I be downloading something other than the downloadable zip?我应该下载可下载的 zip 以外的东西吗? Downloading extra frameworks?下载额外的框架? Taking an extra step in between?在两者之间采取额外的步骤?

I am using Xcode 6.1.1 on OS X 10.9.5, which MacDown seems to indicate it's compatible with.我在 OS X 10.9.5 上使用 Xcode 6.1.1,MacDown 似乎表明它与之兼容。

Few things:几样东西:
1) If an .xcworkspace is available, you should open that in lieu of the .xcproj. 1) 如果 .xcworkspace 可用,您应该打开它来代替 .xcproj。 The workspace contains multiple projects that are important for the building of the application.工作区包含多个对构建应用程序很重要的项目。

2) Check out this answer for "Missing Base SDK" XCODE Base SDK Missing 2)查看“缺少基本SDK” XCODE Base SDK Missing的这个答案

3) Go to /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs and check to make sure you have the proper system SDKs available 3) 转到/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs并检查以确保您有合适的系统 SDKs

4) It looks like those projects also require CocoaPods , a OS X Dependency Manager. 4) 看起来这些项目也需要CocoaPods ,一个 OS X 依赖管理器。 You need to download the "pods" AKA 3rd party dependencies in order to build the application您需要下载“pods”AKA 3rd 方依赖项才能构建应用程序

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