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[英]why i am getting error " (name of the pointer ) is not a template )?

I wrote this code just for practice to test the concept of copy constructor and destructor, but it is showing me an error that shared pointer is not a template and my most of the pointer is undefined as per compiler.我编写此代码只是为了练习来测试复制构造函数和析构函数的概念,但它向我显示了一个错误,即共享指针不是模板,并且我的大部分指针未根据编译器定义。

I want to know whats wrong.我想知道怎么了。

class MyString
       MyString(); // default ctor
       MyString(string const &); // ctor with ordinary string argument
       MyString(MyString const &); // copy ctor
       MyString(MyString &&); // move ctor – discussed later
      ~MyString(); // destructor
       MyString& operator=(MyString const &rhsObject); // assignment operator
       void showString(); // outputs the String in the object

     shared_ptr<string> rep;
}; // end class MyString

    // creates an object with empty string
    rep = make_shared<string>();

MyString::MyString(string str)
    // creates an object with an ordinary string pointed to
    rep = make_shared<string>(str);

MyString::MyString(MyString const &ob)
    // creates an object with String as in ob
rep = make_shared<string>(ob.rep);

MyString & MyString::operator=(const MyString &ob)
    // resets the value of calling object to the value of ob
    rep = make_shared<string>(ob.rep);
    return *this; // “this” pointer explained below

void MyString::showString()
    // outputs the string pointed to by rep
    cout << *rep;

void main()
    MyString a("Hello"), b = "CS 570", c("Students");
    // constructor MyString(char *) creates objects a, b, and c
    MyString d; // default constructor MyString() creates d
    MyString e(a), f = c;
    // copy constructor MyString(MyString &) creates objects e and f
    cout << "String in object a = ";
    cout << endl; cout << "String in object b = "; b.showString(); cout << endl;
    cout << "String in object c = ";
    c.showString(); cout << endl;
    cout << "String in object d = ";
    d.showString(); cout << endl;
    cout << "String in object e = ";
    e.showString(); cout << endl;
    cout << "String in object f = ";
    f.showString(); cout << endl;
    d = c;
    cout << "Object d reset to have String of c : "; d.showString(); cout << endl;
    c = a;
    cout << "Object c reset to have String of a : "; c.showString();
    cout << endl;
    //Copy constructor and this pointer 7
    cout << "Object d’s string remains as before : "; d.showString();
    cout << endl;
} // end main function
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

class MyString
    MyString(std::string str1); 
    MyString(MyString const &); 
    MyString(MyString &&); 
    MyString& operator=(MyString const &rhsObject); 
    std::string showString(); 

    static std::shared_ptr<std::string> rep;

  rep = std::make_shared<std::string>();

MyString::MyString(std::string str1)
  rep = std::make_shared<std::string>(str1);

MyString::MyString(MyString const &ob)
  rep = std::make_shared<std::string>(ob.rep);



MyString & MyString::operator=(const MyString &ob)
  rep = std::make_shared<std::string>(ob.rep);
  return *this; 

std::string MyString::showString()
   return *rep; 

int main()

    MyString a("Hello"),
             b("CS 570"),

    MyString d; 
    MyString e(a), f = c;
    std::cout << a.showString() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\n" << a.showString() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "String in object b = " << b.showString() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "String in object c = ";
    std::cout << c.showString() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "String in object d = ";
    std::cout << d.showString() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "String in object e = ";
    std::cout << e.showString() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "String in object f = ";
    std::cout << f.showString() << std::endl;
    d = c;
    std::cout << "Object d reset to have String of c : " << d.showString() << std::endl;
    c = a;
    std::cout << "Object c reset to have String of a : " << c.showString() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Object d’s string remains as before : " << d.showString() << std::endl;

return 0;

} }

Alright this is an update on my previous example, I re-wrote all of your code and knocked out the 100+ errors down to 1 error, I left this error intentionally because this is some thing you will encounter and have to learn to get around on your own.好的,这是对我之前示例的更新,我重新编写了您的所有代码并将 100 多个错误减少到 1 个错误,我故意留下这个错误,因为这是您会遇到的一些事情并且必须学会绕过靠你自己。

I would suggest even though this is small, breaking this up into a your main source, header for your class, and source for your functions to make it easier for you to debug your stuff.我建议即使这很小,也可以将其分解为您的主要源代码、类的标题和函数的源代码,以便您更轻松地调试您的东西。

As for the remaining issues, Why are you using all of these constructors????至于剩下的问题,你为什么要使用所有这些构造函数????

You can do what ever you're trying with 1 constructor (2, or even 3) and the rest can be functions.你可以用 1 个构造函数(2 个,甚至 3 个)做任何你想尝试的事情,其余的可以是函数。

You asked what was wrong, and the answer is most of your code all I did was re-write and fix minimal issues that will allow you to progress and learn to fix your own code.你问出了什么问题,答案是你的大部分代码我所做的只是重写和修复最小的问题,让你进步并学习修复你自己的代码。

  1. Don't just use constructors, do more research on const variables and reference parameters, read up on pointers I would really suggest re-writing all of this as the way you've got it setup now will conflict with memory header.不要只使用构造函数,对常量变量和引用参数进行更多研究,阅读指针我真的建议重写所有这些,因为你现在设置它的方式会与内存头冲突。

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