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[英]Wamp server php.ini file

I just downloaded and installed the wamp server but the file php.ini file can not be found anywhere although the configuration page shows我刚刚下载并安装了 wamp 服务器,但尽管配置页面显示,但在任何地方都找不到文件php.ini文件


I was wondering if somebody knows the root cause.我想知道是否有人知道根本原因。 Is it possible to get the file from somewhere for that version?是否可以从某个地方获取该版本的文件?

Yes, you can get that file really easy.是的,您可以非常轻松地获取该文件。 It's a php configuration file.这是一个php配置文件。 If you know your installed php version go to PHP net and download it for your version.如果您知道您安装的 php 版本,请访问PHP net并为您的版本下载它。

In there you will find php.ini-production (production settings) and php.ini-development (development setting better suited for debugging).在那里你会找到php.ini-production (生产设置)和php.ini-development (更适合调试的开发设置)。 Pick one and rename it to php.ini (php as name for file and ini being extension).选择一个并将其重命名为 php.ini(php 为文件名,ini 为扩展名)。 Now you are ready to go after you copy it to your installation folder.现在您已准备好将其复制到安装文件夹中。

Make sure to resart your server after applying the changes.确保在应用更改后重新启动服务器。

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