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[英]FullPage.JS One page scroll not working on mobile phone

On mobile devices fullpageJS is working like a normal scrolling page.I tried everything to make the one-page scroll effect persistent on mobile but nothing is happening.this is the Link 在移动设备上,fullpageJS的工作方式类似于普通的滚动页面。我尝试了一切使得单页滚动效果在移动设备上持久但没有任何事情发生。这就是链接

on which my file is uploaded.Please help me Someone.I'm out of ideas and direction now. 在我的文件上传。请帮助我某人。我现在没有想法和方向。 here's my code i have used to initialise the script 这是我用来初始化脚本的代码

$(document).ready(function() {
    anchors: ['firstPage', 'secondPage', 'thirdPage', 'forthPage', 'fifthPage', 'sixthPage'],
    sectionsColor: ['#222222', '#333333', '#222222', '#333333','#222222', '#333333'],
    navigation: true,
    slidesNavigation: true,
    navigationPosition: 'right',
    navigationTooltips: ['Page1', 'Page2', 'Page3', 'Page4','Page5','Page6'],
    responsive: 768,
    keyboardScrolling: true,
    recordHistory: false,
    css3: true,
    touchSensitivity: 15,
    normalScrollElementTouchThreshold: 5,
    responsive: 0,
    scrollingSpeed: 1200,
    easingcss3: 'cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275)'

}); });

Definetelly not a fullpage.js problem. Definetelly不是fullpage.js问题。 You can easily check the demo page to see how it works as expected. 您可以轻松查看演示页面 ,了解它是如何按预期工作的。

Your problem seem to be in the use of the responsive option. 您的问题似乎在于使用responsive选项。 You are probably setting the dimensions too hight for your device. 您可能正在为设备设置太高的尺寸。 ( responsive: 768, ) responsive: 768,

Also, you should be using responsiveWidth or responsiveHeight as responsive is no longer in the docs as it is deprecated. 此外,您应该使用responsiveWidthresponsiveHeight ,因为已弃用的文档中不再responsive

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