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NFC阅读器Apache Cordova

[英]NFC reader apache cordova

I want to read nfc card with phonegap nfc ( Tutorial phonegap ) but the event is not launched 我想用phonegap nfc( 教程phonegap )读取nfc卡,但该事件未启动

this is the code of the index.js 这是index.js的代码

 onDeviceReady: function() {

// Read NDEF formatted NFC Tags
nfc.addNdefListener (
    function (nfcEvent) {
        var tag = nfcEvent.tag,
            ndefMessage = tag.ndefMessage;

        // dump the raw json of the message
        // note: real code will need to decode
        // the payload from each record

        // assuming the first record in the message has
        // a payload that can be converted to a string.
    function () { // success callback
        alert("Waiting for NDEF tag");
    function (error) { // error callback
        alert("Error adding NDEF listener " + JSON.stringify(error));

Any suggestion ? 有什么建议吗?


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