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[英]C# mongodb insert inside a document in a collection

Following is the structure of doc. 以下是doc的结构。

    "name" : "Apparel & Accessories",
    "description" : "Apparel & Accessories",
    "logoPath" : "apparel_n_accessories.png",
    "categoryCode" : "APP-N-ACC",
    "isActive" : 1,
    "subCategory" : [
                    "name" : "Clothing",
                    "description" : "Clothing",
                    "logoPath" : "clothing.png",
                    "categoryCode" : "CLOTH",
                    "isActive" : 1,
                    "subCategory" : [
                                    "name" : "Outerwear",
                                    "description" : "Outerwear",
                                    "logoPath" : "outerwear.png",
                                    "categoryCode" : "OUTWER",
                                    "isActive" : 1,
                                    "subCategory" : [
                                                    "name" : "Coats & Jackets",
                                                    "description" : "Coats & Jackets",
                                                    "logoPath" : "coats_n_jackets.png",
                                                    "categoryCode" : "COT-N-JACT",
                                                    "isActive" : 1,
                                                    "subCategory" : [ ]
                                    "name" : "Jewelry",
                                    "description" : "Jewelry",
                                    "logoPath" : "jewelry.png",
                                    "categoryCode" : "JEWL",
                                    "subCategory" : [
                                                    "name" : "Rings",
                                                    "description" : "Rings",
                                                    "logoPath" : "rings.png",
                                                    "categoryCode" : "RINGS",
                                                    "isActive" : 1,
                                                    "subCategory" : [ ]

I want to insert into subcategory of "Apparel & Accessories" with following content : 我要插入“服装和配饰”的子类别,其内容如下:

                    "name" : "XYZ",
                    "description" : "XYZ",
                    "logoPath" : "XYZ.png",
                    "categoryCode" : "XYZ",
                    "isActive" : 1,
                    "subCategory" : [ ]

We are using c# ver 1.8 legacy drivers to connect mongodb. 我们正在使用c#ver 1.8旧版驱动程序来连接mongodb。

Can anyone please suggest how to find any level object and add in it. 任何人都可以建议如何找到任何关卡对象并添加它。

Do something like this: 做这样的事情:

var filter = Builders<Category>
             .Filter.Eq(c => c.name, "Apparel & Accessories");

var update = Builders<Category>.Update
        .Push<Category>(c => c.subCategory, mySubCategory);

await collection.FindOneAndUpdateAsync(filter, update);

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